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function entity_translation_node_supported_type in Entity Translation 7

Returns whether the given node type has support for translations.

Return value

Boolean value.

3 calls to entity_translation_node_supported_type()
entity_translation_comment_supported_type in ./
Returns whether the given comment type has support for translations.
entity_translation_i18n_menu_item in entity_translation_i18n_menu/entity_translation_i18n_menu.module
Checks whether a given menu item is translatable through entity translation.
entity_translation_node_view in ./
Implements hook_node_view().
1 string reference to 'entity_translation_node_supported_type'
entity_translation_entity_info in ./entity_translation.module
Implements hook_entity_info().


./, line 82
The node specific translation functions and hook implementations.


function entity_translation_node_supported_type($type) {
  return variable_get('language_content_type_' . $type, 0) == ENTITY_TRANSLATION_ENABLED;