6 uses of ENTITY_TRANSLATION_ENABLED in Entity Translation 7
- EntityTranslationTestCase::configureContentType in tests/
entity_translation.test - Configure the "Basic page" content type for entity translation tests.
- entity_translation_disable in ./
entity_translation.install - Implements hook_disable().
- entity_translation_enable in ./
entity_translation.install - Implements hook_enable().
- entity_translation_form_node_type_form_alter in ./
entity_translation.node.inc - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
- entity_translation_node_supported_type in ./
entity_translation.node.inc - Returns whether the given node type has support for translations.
- entity_translation_upgrade_do in entity_translation_upgrade/
entity_translation_upgrade.admin.inc - Batch process to convert node translations to field-based translations.