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function _entity_translation_process_path_schemes in Entity Translation 7

Processes the given path schemes and fill-in default values.

2 calls to _entity_translation_process_path_schemes()
entity_translation_admin_form in ./
Builder function for the entity translation settings form.
entity_translation_entity_info_alter in ./entity_translation.module
Implements hook_entity_info_alter().


./entity_translation.module, line 140


function _entity_translation_process_path_schemes($entity_type, &$et_info) {
  $path_scheme_keys = array_flip(array(
    'base path',
    'view path',
    'edit path',
    'translate path',
    'path wildcard',
    'admin theme',
    'edit tabs',

  // Insert the default path scheme into the 'path schemes' array and remove
  // respective elements from the entity_translation info array.
  $default_scheme = array_intersect_key($et_info, $path_scheme_keys);
  if (!empty($default_scheme)) {
    $et_info['path schemes']['default'] = $default_scheme;
    $et_info = array_diff_key($et_info, $path_scheme_keys);

  // If no base path is provided we default to the common "node/%node"
  // pattern.
  if (empty($et_info['path schemes']['default']['base path'])) {
    $et_info['path schemes']['default']['base path'] = "{$entity_type}/%{$entity_type}";
  foreach ($et_info['path schemes'] as $delta => $scheme) {

    // If there is a base path, then we automatically create the other path
    // elements based on the base path.
    if (!empty($scheme['base path'])) {
      $view_path = $scheme['base path'];
      $edit_path = $scheme['base path'] . '/edit';
      $translate_path = $scheme['base path'] . '/translate';
      $et_info['path schemes'][$delta] += array(
        'view path' => $view_path,
        'edit path' => $edit_path,
        'translate path' => $translate_path,

    // Merge in default values for other scheme elements.
    $et_info['path schemes'][$delta] += array(
      'admin theme' => TRUE,
      'path wildcard' => "%{$entity_type}",
      'edit tabs' => TRUE,