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entity_translation_i18n_menu.test in Entity Translation 7

Tests for Entity translation module.


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 * @file
 * Tests for Entity translation module.

 * Tests for the translation of menu items on entity forms.
class EntityTranslationMenuTranslationTestCase extends EntityTranslationTestCase {

   * Return the test information.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Menu translation',
      'description' => 'Tests for the translation of menu items on entity forms.',
      'group' => 'Entity translation',
      'dependencies' => array(
  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('locale', 'entity_translation', 'i18n_menu', 'entity_translation_i18n_menu');
      'administer menu',
      'administer menu',

   * Configure the "Main Menu" for multilingual menu items ("Translate & Localize").
  function configureMenu() {
    $edit = array();
    $edit['i18n_mode'] = I18N_MODE_MULTIPLE;

    // Translate & Localize.
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/menu/manage/main-menu/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
      ->assertRaw(t('Your configuration has been saved.'), t('Menu settings have been saved.'));

   * Create page with menu item.
  function createPage($link_title, $description, $langcode) {
    $edit = array();
    $edit['title'] = $this
    $edit['language'] = $langcode;
    $edit['menu[enabled]'] = TRUE;
    $edit['menu[link_title]'] = $link_title;
    $edit['menu[description]'] = $description ? $description : 'link language = ' . $langcode;
      ->drupalPost('node/add/page', $edit, t('Save'));
      ->assertRaw(t('Basic page %title has been created.', array(
      '%title' => $edit['title'],
    )), t('Basic page created.'));

    // Check to make sure the node was created.
    $node = $this
      ->assertTrue($node, t('Node found in database.'));

    // Check to make sure menu link was created.
      ->get($langcode, '<front>');
      ->assertText($link_title, 'New menu link found.');
    return $node;

   * Create a translation with menu item.
  function createTranslation($node, $link_title, $description, $langcode, $use_tsets = FALSE) {
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit/add/' . $node->language . '/' . $langcode);
    $edit = array();
    $edit['menu[enabled]'] = TRUE;
    $edit['menu[link_title]'] = $link_title;
    $edit['menu[description]'] = $description ? $description : 'link language = ' . $langcode;
    if ($use_tsets != NULL) {
      $edit['menu[tset]'] = $use_tsets;
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/translate');
      ->assertLinkByHref('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit/' . $langcode, 0, t('Translation edit link found. Translation created.'));

    // Check to make sure menu link was created.
      ->get($langcode, '<front>');
      ->assertText($link_title, 'Translation menu link found.');
    return $node;

   * Remove translation in given langcode from node.
  function removeTranslation($node, $langcode) {
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/translate/delete/' . $langcode);
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Delete'));

    // Check to make sure translation was deleted.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit/add/' . $node->language . '/' . $langcode);
      ->assertResponse(200, 'Translation add page found. Old translation deleted.');

   * Edit a page menu item.
   * Check that node form contains old menu link title, then replace with given
   * new title.
  function editPage($node, $old_link_title, $link_title, $langcode) {
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit/' . $langcode);
      ->assertFieldByXPath("//input[@name='menu[link_title]']", $old_link_title, 'Old link title value correctly populated: ' . $old_link_title);
    $edit = array();
    $edit['menu[link_title]'] = $link_title;
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Check to make sure menu link was updated.
      ->get($langcode, '<front>');
      ->assertNoText($old_link_title, 'Old menu link title not found: ' . $old_link_title);
      ->assertText($link_title, 'New menu link title found: ' . $link_title);

   * Asserts a link with a given label and title is found in the page.
  function assertLinkWithTitleAttribute($label, $title) {
    $links = $this
      ->xpath('//a[normalize-space(text())=:label and normalize-space(@title)=:title]', array(
      ':label' => $label,
      ':title' => $title,

   * Test if menu localization works.
  function testMenuLocalization() {

    // Create Basic page in English.
    $link_title_en = $this
    $link_description_en = $this
      ->randomName() . ' & htmlentity';
    $node = $this
      ->createPage($link_title_en, $link_description_en, 'en');

    // Submit translation in Spanish.
    $link_title_es = $this
    $link_description_es = $this
      ->randomName() . ' & htmlentity';
    $node_translation = $this
      ->createTranslation($node, $link_title_es, $link_description_es, 'es');

    // Check menu links in both languages.
      ->get('en', '<front>');
      ->assertLinkWithTitleAttribute($link_title_en, $link_description_en);
      ->get('es', '<front>');
      ->assertLinkWithTitleAttribute($link_title_es, $link_description_es);

    // Edit English menu link.
    $link_title_en2 = $this
      ->editPage($node, $link_title_en, $link_title_en2, 'en');

    // Check that Spanish menu link has not changed.
      ->get('es', '<front>');
      ->assertLinkWithTitleAttribute($link_title_es, $link_description_es);

    // Edit Spanish menu link.
    $link_title_es2 = $this
      ->editPage($node, $link_title_es, $link_title_es2, 'es');

    // Check that English menu link has changed.
      ->get('en', '<front>');
      ->assertLinkWithTitleAttribute($link_title_en2, $link_description_en);

    // Check that Spanish menu link has changed.
      ->get('es', '<front>');
      ->assertLinkWithTitleAttribute($link_title_es2, $link_description_es);

    // Delete Spanish translation and check that the respective menu item has
    // been deleted as well.
      ->removeTranslation($node, 'es');
      ->get('es', '<front>');

   * Test if menu localization works (source language != default language).
  function testMenuLocalizationCustomSourceLanguage() {

    // Create Basic page in Spanish.
    $link_title_es = $this
    $node = $this
      ->createPage($link_title_es, NULL, 'es');

    // Submit translation in English.
    $link_title_en = $this
    $node_translation = $this
      ->createTranslation($node, $link_title_en, NULL, 'en');

    // Check menu links in both languages.
      ->get('es', '<front>');
      ->get('en', '<front>');

    // Edit Spanish menu link.
    $link_title_es2 = $this
      ->editPage($node, $link_title_es, $link_title_es2, 'es');

    // Check that English menu link has not changed.
      ->get('en', '<front>');

    // Edit English menu link.
    $link_title_en2 = $this
      ->editPage($node, $link_title_en, $link_title_en2, 'en');

    // Check that Spanish menu link has not changed.
      ->get('es', '<front>');

   * Test if menu translation works with separate menu items.
  function testMenuTranslation() {

    // Create Basic page in English.
    $link_title_en = $this
    $node = $this
      ->createPage($link_title_en, NULL, 'en');

    // Submit translation in Spanish.
    $link_title_es = $this
    $node_translation = $this
      ->createTranslation($node, $link_title_es, NULL, 'es', TRUE);

    // Check menu links in both languages.
      ->get('en', '<front>');
      ->get('es', '<front>');

    // Edit English menu link.
    $link_title_en2 = $this
      ->editPage($node, $link_title_en, $link_title_en2, 'en');

    // Check that Spanish menu link has not changed.
      ->get('es', '<front>');

    // Edit Spanish menu link.
    $link_title_es2 = $this
      ->editPage($node, $link_title_es, $link_title_es2, 'es');

    // Check that English menu link has not changed.
      ->get('en', '<front>');

    // Add another translation, and check that other menu items are not
    // affected. See
    $link_title_it = $this
    $node_translation = $this
      ->createTranslation($node, $link_title_it, NULL, 'it', NULL);

    // Check that Spanish and English menu links have not changed.
      ->get('es', '<front>');
      ->get('en', '<front>');

    // Delete Spanish translation and check that the respective menu item has
    // been deleted as well.
      ->removeTranslation($node, 'es');
      ->get('es', '<front>');



Namesort descending Description
EntityTranslationMenuTranslationTestCase Tests for the translation of menu items on entity forms.