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function entity_metadata_field_text_get in Entity API 7

Callback for getting the sanitized text of 'text_formatted' properties. This callback is used for both the 'value' and the 'summary'.

1 string reference to 'entity_metadata_field_text_get'
entity_property_text_formatted_info in includes/
Defines info for the properties of the text_formatted data structure.


modules/, line 592
Provides various callbacks for the whole core module integration.


function entity_metadata_field_text_get($item, array $options, $name, $type, $context) {

  // $name is either 'value' or 'summary'.
  if (!isset($item['safe_' . $name])) {

    // Apply input formats.
    $langcode = isset($options['language']) ? $options['language']->language : '';
    $format = isset($item['format']) ? $item['format'] : filter_default_format();
    $item['safe_' . $name] = check_markup($item[$name], $format, $langcode);

    // To speed up subsequent calls, update $item with the 'safe_value'.
  return $item['safe_' . $name];