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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Entity API 7

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
Entity class includes/ A common class for entities. 4
EntityAPICommentNodeAccessTestCase class ./entity.test Tests comments with node access.
EntityAPIController class includes/ A controller implementing EntityAPIControllerInterface for the database. 1
EntityAPIControllerExportable class includes/ A controller implementing exportables stored in the database.
EntityAPIControllerInterface interface includes/ Interface for EntityControllers compatible with the entity API. 1
EntityAPIControllerRevisionableInterface interface includes/ Interface for EntityControllers of entities that support revisions. 1
EntityAPIi18nItegrationTestCase class ./entity.test Test the i18n integration.
EntityAPIRulesIntegrationTestCase class ./entity.test Test the generated Rules integration.
EntityAPITestCase class ./entity.test Test basic API.
EntityBundleableUIController class includes/ UI controller providing UI for bundleable content entities.
EntityClass class tests/entity_test.module Main class for test entities. 1
EntityClassRevision class tests/entity_test.module Main class for test entities (with revision support).
EntityContentUIController class includes/ UI controller providing UI for content entities. 1
EntityDB class includes/ These classes are deprecated by "Entity" and are only here for backward compatibility reasons.
EntityDBExtendable class includes/
EntityDefaultExtraFieldsController class ./ Default controller for generating extra fields based on property metadata.
EntityDefaultFeaturesController class ./ Default controller handling features integration.
EntityDefaultI18nStringController class ./ Default controller handling i18n integration.
EntityDefaultMetadataController class ./ Default controller for generating some basic metadata for CRUD entity types.
EntityDefaultRulesController class ./ Default controller for generating Rules integration.
EntityDefaultUIController class includes/ Default UI controller providing admin UI. 1
EntityDefaultViewsController class views/ Default controller for generating basic views integration.
EntityDrupalWrapper class includes/ Provides a wrapper for entities registrered in hook_entity_info().
EntityExtendable class includes/
EntityExtraFieldsControllerInterface interface ./ Interface for extra fields controller. 1
EntityFieldHandlerHelper class views/handlers/ Helper class containing static implementations of common field handler methods.
EntityInterface interface includes/ Interface for class based entities. 1
EntityListWrapper class includes/ Wraps a list of values.
EntityMetadataArrayObject class includes/ An array object implementation keeping the reference on the given array so changes to the object are reflected in the passed array.
EntityMetadataIntegrationTestCase class ./entity.test Tests provided entity property info of the core modules.
EntityMetadataNodeAccessTestCase class ./entity.test Tests basic entity_access() functionality for nodes.
EntityMetadataNodeCreateAccessTestCase class ./entity.test Test user permissions for node creation.
EntityMetadataNodeRevisionAccessTestCase class ./entity.test Tests user permissions for node revisions.
EntityMetadataTaxonomyAccessTestCase class ./entity.test Tests basic entity_access() functionality for taxonomy terms.
EntityMetadataTestCase class ./entity.test Tests metadata wrappers.
EntityMetadataWrapper abstract class includes/ A common base class for all wrappers. 3
EntityMetadataWrapperException class includes/ Provide a separate Exception so it can be caught separately.
EntityMetadataWrapperIterator class includes/ Allows to easily iterate over existing child wrappers.
EntityStructureWrapper class includes/ Provides a general wrapper for any data structure. For this to work the metadata has to be passed during construction. 1
EntityTokenTestCase class ./entity.test Tests provided entity property info of the core modules.
EntityValueWrapper class includes/ Wraps a single value.
EntityWebTestCase abstract class ./entity.test Common parent class containing common helpers. 9
entity_views_example_query abstract class views/entity_views_example_query.php Describes the additional methods looked for on a query plugin if data selection based tables or fields are used.
entity_views_handler_area_entity class views/handlers/ @file Renders a full entity in a views area.
entity_views_handler_field_boolean class views/handlers/ A handler to provide proper displays for booleans.
entity_views_handler_field_date class views/handlers/ A handler to provide proper displays for dates.
entity_views_handler_field_duration class views/handlers/ A handler to provide proper displays for duration properties retrieved via data selection.
entity_views_handler_field_entity class views/handlers/ A handler to provide proper displays for entities retrieved via data selection.
entity_views_handler_field_field class views/handlers/ A handler to provide proper displays for Field API fields.
entity_views_handler_field_numeric class views/handlers/ Render a field as a numeric value.


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