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Provides various callbacks for the whole core module integration.


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 * @file
 * Provides various callbacks for the whole core module integration.

 * Callback for getting properties of an entity.
function entity_metadata_entity_get_properties($entity, array $options, $name, $entity_type) {
  if ($name == 'url') {
    $return = entity_uri($entity_type, $entity);
    return url($return['path'], $return['options'] + $options);

 * Callback for getting book node properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_book_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_book_get_properties($node, array $options, $name, $entity_type) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'book':
      if (isset($node->book['bid'])) {
        return $node->book['bid'];
      return NULL;
    case 'book_ancestors':
      $ancestors = array();
      while (!empty($node->book['plid']) && $node->book['plid'] != -1) {
        $link = book_link_load($node->book['plid']);
        array_unshift($ancestors, $link['nid']);
        $node = node_load($link['nid']);
      return $ancestors;

 * Callback for getting comment properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_comment_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_comment_get_properties($comment, array $options, $name) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'name':
      return $comment->name;
    case 'mail':
      if ($comment->uid != 0) {
        $account = user_load($comment->uid);
        return $account->mail;
      return $comment->mail;
    case 'edit_url':
      return url('comment/edit/' . $comment->cid, $options);
    case 'parent':
      if (!empty($comment->pid)) {
        return $comment->pid;

      // There is no parent comment.
      return NULL;

 * Callback for setting comment properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_comment_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_comment_setter($comment, $name, $value) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'node':
      $comment->nid = $value;

      // Also set the bundle name.
      $node = node_load($value);
      $comment->node_type = 'comment_node_' . $node->type;

 * Callback for getting comment related node properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_comment_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_comment_get_node_properties($node, array $options, $name, $entity_type) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'comment_count':
      return isset($node->comment_count) ? $node->comment_count : 0;
    case 'comment_count_new':
      return comment_num_new($node->nid);
    case 'comments':
      $select = db_select('comment', 'c')
        ->fields('c', array(
        ->condition('c.nid', $node->nid);
      return array_keys($select
        ->fetchAllKeyed(0, 0));

 * Getter callback for getting global languages.
function entity_metadata_locale_get_languages($data, array $options, $name) {
  return isset($GLOBALS[$name]) ? $GLOBALS[$name]->language : NULL;

 * Getter callback for getting the preferred user language.
function entity_metadata_locale_get_user_language($account, array $options, $name) {
  return user_preferred_language($account)->language;

 * Return the options lists for the node and comment status property.
function entity_metadata_status_options_list() {
  return array(
    NODE_PUBLISHED => t('Published'),
    NODE_NOT_PUBLISHED => t('Unpublished'),

 * Callback for getting node properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_node_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_node_get_properties($node, array $options, $name, $entity_type) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'is_new':
      return empty($node->nid) || !empty($node->is_new);
    case 'source':
      if (!empty($node->tnid) && ($source = node_load($node->tnid))) {
        return $source;
      return NULL;
    case 'edit_url':
      return url('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit', $options);
    case 'author':
      return !empty($node->uid) ? $node->uid : drupal_anonymous_user();

 * Callback for determining access for node revision related properties.
function entity_metadata_node_revision_access($op, $name, $entity = NULL, $account = NULL) {
  return $op == 'view' ? user_access('view revisions', $account) : user_access('administer nodes', $account);

 * Callback for getting poll properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_poll_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_poll_node_get_properties($node, array $options, $name) {
  $total_votes = $highest_votes = 0;
  foreach ($node->choice as $choice) {
    if ($choice['chvotes'] > $highest_votes) {
      $winner = $choice;
      $highest_votes = $choice['chvotes'];
    $total_votes = $total_votes + $choice['chvotes'];
  if ($name == 'poll_duration') {
    return $node->runtime;
  elseif ($name == 'poll_votes') {
    return $total_votes;
  elseif (!isset($winner)) {

    // There is no poll winner yet.
    return NULL;
  switch ($name) {
    case 'poll_winner_votes':
      return $winner['chvotes'];
    case 'poll_winner':
      return $winner['chtext'];
    case 'poll_winner_percent':
      return $winner['chvotes'] / $total_votes * 100;

 * Callback for getting statistics properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_statistics_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_statistics_node_get_properties($node, array $options, $name) {
  $statistics = (array) statistics_get($node->nid);
  $statistics += array(
    'totalcount' => 0,
    'daycount' => 0,
    'timestamp' => NULL,
  switch ($name) {
    case 'views':
      return $statistics['totalcount'];
    case 'day_views':
      return $statistics['daycount'];
    case 'last_view':
      return $statistics['timestamp'];

 * Access callback for restricted node statistics properties.
function entity_metadata_statistics_properties_access($op, $property, $entity = NULL, $account = NULL) {
  if ($property == 'views' && user_access('view post access counter', $account)) {
    return TRUE;
  return user_access('access statistics', $account);

 * Callback for getting site-wide properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_system_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_system_get_properties($data, array $options, $name) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'name':
      return variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal');
    case 'url':
      return url('<front>', $options);
    case 'login_url':
      return url('user', $options);
    case 'current_user':
      return $GLOBALS['user']->uid ? $GLOBALS['user']->uid : drupal_anonymous_user();
    case 'current_date':
      return REQUEST_TIME;
    case 'current_page':

      // Subsequent getters of the struct retrieve the actual values.
      return array();
      return variable_get('site_' . $name, '');

 * Callback for getting properties for the current page request.
 * @see entity_metadata_system_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_system_get_page_properties($data, array $options, $name) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'url':
      return $GLOBALS['base_root'] . request_uri();

 * Callback for getting file properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_system_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_system_get_file_properties($file, array $options, $name) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'name':
      return $file->filename;
    case 'mime':
      return $file->filemime;
    case 'size':
      return $file->filesize;
    case 'url':
      return url(file_create_url($file->uri), $options);
    case 'owner':
      return $file->uid;

 * Callback for getting term properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_taxonomy_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_taxonomy_term_get_properties($term, array $options, $name) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'node_count':
      return count(taxonomy_select_nodes($term->tid));
    case 'description':
      return check_markup($term->description, isset($term->format) ? $term->format : NULL, '', TRUE);
    case 'parent':
      if (isset($term->parent[0]) && !is_array(isset($term->parent[0]))) {
        return $term->parent;
      return array_keys(taxonomy_get_parents($term->tid));
    case 'parents_all':

      // We have to return an array of ids.
      $tids = array();
      foreach (taxonomy_get_parents_all($term->tid) as $parent) {
        $tids[] = $parent->tid;
      return $tids;

 * Callback for setting term properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_taxonomy_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_taxonomy_term_setter($term, $name, $value) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'vocabulary':

      // Make sure to update the taxonomy bundle key, so load the vocabulary.
      // Support both, loading by name or ID.
      $vocabulary = is_numeric($value) ? taxonomy_vocabulary_load($value) : taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($value);
      $term->vocabulary_machine_name = $vocabulary->machine_name;
      return $term->vid = $vocabulary->vid;
    case 'parent':
      return $term->parent = $value;

 * Callback for getting vocabulary properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_taxonomy_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_taxonomy_vocabulary_get_properties($vocabulary, array $options, $name) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'term_count':
      $sql = "SELECT COUNT (1) FROM {taxonomy_term_data} td WHERE td.vid = :vid";
      return db_query($sql, array(
        ':vid' => $vocabulary->vid,

 * Callback for getting user properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_user_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_user_get_properties($account, array $options, $name, $entity_type) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'last_access':

      // In case there was no access the value is 0, but we have to return NULL.
      return empty($account->access) ? NULL : $account->access;
    case 'last_login':
      return empty($account->login) ? NULL : $account->login;
    case 'name':
      return empty($account->uid) ? variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous')) : $account->name;
    case 'url':
      if (empty($account->uid)) {
        return NULL;
      $return = entity_uri('user', $account);
      return $return ? url($return['path'], $return['options'] + $options) : '';
    case 'edit_url':
      return empty($account->uid) ? NULL : url("user/{$account->uid}/edit", $options);
    case 'roles':
      return isset($account->roles) ? array_keys($account->roles) : array();
    case 'theme':
      return empty($account->theme) ? variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik') : $account->theme;

 * Callback for setting user properties.
 * @see entity_metadata_user_entity_info_alter()
function entity_metadata_user_set_properties($account, $name, $value) {
  switch ($name) {
    case 'roles':
      $account->roles = array_intersect_key(user_roles(), array_flip($value));

 * Options list callback returning all user roles.
function entity_metadata_user_roles($property_name = 'roles', $info = array(), $op = 'edit') {
  $roles = user_roles();
  if ($op == 'edit') {
  return $roles;

 * Return the options lists for user status property.
function entity_metadata_user_status_options_list() {
  return array(
    0 => t('Blocked'),
    1 => t('Active'),

 * Callback defining an options list for language properties.
function entity_metadata_language_list() {
  $list = array();
  $list[LANGUAGE_NONE] = t('Language neutral');
  foreach (language_list() as $language) {
    $list[$language->language] = t($language->name);
  return $list;

 * Callback for getting field property values.
function entity_metadata_field_property_get($entity, array $options, $name, $entity_type, $info) {
  $field = field_info_field($name);
  $columns = array_keys($field['columns']);
  $langcode = isset($options['language']) ? $options['language']->language : LANGUAGE_NONE;
  $langcode = entity_metadata_field_get_language($entity_type, $entity, $field, $langcode, TRUE);
  $values = array();
  if (isset($entity->{$name}[$langcode])) {
    foreach ($entity->{$name}[$langcode] as $delta => $data) {
      $values[$delta] = $data[$columns[0]];
      if ($info['type'] == 'boolean' || $info['type'] == 'list<boolean>') {

        // Ensure that we have a clean boolean data type.
        $values[$delta] = (bool) $values[$delta];

  // For an empty single-valued field, we have to return NULL.
  return $field['cardinality'] == 1 ? $values ? reset($values) : NULL : $values;

 * Callback for setting field property values.
function entity_metadata_field_property_set($entity, $name, $value, $langcode, $entity_type, $info) {
  $field = field_info_field($name);
  $columns = array_keys($field['columns']);
  $langcode = entity_metadata_field_get_language($entity_type, $entity, $field, $langcode);
  $values = $field['cardinality'] == 1 ? array(
  ) : (array) $value;
  $items = array();
  foreach ($values as $delta => $value) {
    if (isset($value)) {
      $items[$delta][$columns[0]] = $value;
      if ($info['type'] == 'boolean' || $info['type'] == 'list<boolean>') {

        // Convert boolean values back to an integer for writing.
        $items[$delta][$columns[0]] = (int) ($items[$delta][$columns[0]] = $value);
  $entity->{$name}[$langcode] = $items;

  // Empty the static field language cache, so the field system picks up any
  // possible new languages.

 * Callback returning the options list of a field.
function entity_metadata_field_options_list($name, $info) {
  $field_property_info = $info;
  if (is_numeric($name) && isset($info['parent'])) {

    // The options list is to be returned for a single item of a multiple field.
    $field_property_info = $info['parent']
    $name = $field_property_info['name'];
  if (($field = field_info_field($name)) && isset($field_property_info['parent'])) {

    // Retrieve the wrapped entity holding the field.
    $wrapper = $field_property_info['parent'];
    try {
      $entity = $wrapper
    } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {

      // No data available.
      $entity = NULL;

    // Support translating labels via i18n field.
    if (module_exists('i18n_field') && ($translate = i18n_field_type_info($field['type'], 'translate_options'))) {
      return $translate($field);
    else {
      $instance = $wrapper
        ->getBundle() ? field_info_instance($wrapper
        ->type(), $name, $wrapper
        ->getBundle()) : NULL;
      return (array) module_invoke($field['module'], 'options_list', $field, $instance, $wrapper
        ->type(), $entity);

 * Callback to verbatim get the data structure of a field. Useful for fields
 * that add metadata for their own data structure.
function entity_metadata_field_verbatim_get($entity, array $options, $name, $entity_type, &$context) {

  // Set contextual info useful for getters of any child properties.
  $context['instance'] = field_info_instance($context['parent']
    ->type(), $name, $context['parent']
  $context['field'] = field_info_field($name);
  $langcode = isset($options['language']) ? $options['language']->language : LANGUAGE_NONE;
  $langcode = entity_metadata_field_get_language($entity_type, $entity, $context['field'], $langcode, TRUE);
  if ($context['field']['cardinality'] == 1) {
    return isset($entity->{$name}[$langcode][0]) ? $entity->{$name}[$langcode][0] : NULL;
  return isset($entity->{$name}[$langcode]) ? $entity->{$name}[$langcode] : array();

 * Writes the passed field items in the object. Useful as field level setter
 * to set the whole data structure at once.
function entity_metadata_field_verbatim_set($entity, $name, $items, $langcode, $entity_type) {
  $field = field_info_field($name);
  $langcode = entity_metadata_field_get_language($entity_type, $entity, $field, $langcode);
  $value = $field['cardinality'] == 1 ? array(
  ) : (array) $items;

  // Filter out any items set to NULL.
  $entity->{$name}[$langcode] = array_filter($value);

  // Empty the static field language cache, so the field system picks up any
  // possible new languages.

 * Helper for determining the field language to be used.
 * Note that we cannot use field_language() as we are not about to display
 * values, but generally read/write values.
 * @param $fallback
 *   (optional) Whether to fall back to the entity default language, if no
 *   value is available for the given language code yet.
 * @return string
 *   The language code to use.
function entity_metadata_field_get_language($entity_type, $entity, $field, $langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE, $fallback = FALSE) {

  // Try to figure out the default language used by the entity.
  // With Drupal >= 7.15 we can use entity_language().
  if (function_exists('entity_language')) {
    $default_langcode = entity_language($entity_type, $entity);
  else {
    $default_langcode = !empty($entity->language) ? $entity->language : LANGUAGE_NONE;

  // Determine the right language to use.
  if ($default_langcode != LANGUAGE_NONE && field_is_translatable($entity_type, $field)) {
    $langcode = $langcode != LANGUAGE_NONE ? field_valid_language($langcode, $default_langcode) : $default_langcode;
    if (!isset($entity->{$field['field_name']}[$langcode]) && $fallback) {
      $langcode = $default_langcode;
    return $langcode;
  else {
    return LANGUAGE_NONE;

 * Callback for getting the sanitized text of 'text_formatted' properties.
 * This callback is used for both the 'value' and the 'summary'.
function entity_metadata_field_text_get($item, array $options, $name, $type, $context) {

  // $name is either 'value' or 'summary'.
  if (!isset($item['safe_' . $name])) {

    // Apply input formats.
    $langcode = isset($options['language']) ? $options['language']->language : '';
    $format = isset($item['format']) ? $item['format'] : filter_default_format();
    $item['safe_' . $name] = check_markup($item[$name], $format, $langcode);

    // To speed up subsequent calls, update $item with the 'safe_value'.
  return $item['safe_' . $name];

 * Defines the list of all available text formats.
function entity_metadata_field_text_formats() {
  foreach (filter_formats() as $key => $format) {
    $formats[$key] = $format->name;
  return $formats;

 * Callback for getting the file entity of file fields.
function entity_metadata_field_file_get($item) {
  return $item['fid'];

 * Callback for setting the file entity of file fields.
function entity_metadata_field_file_set(&$item, $property_name, $value) {
  $item['fid'] = $value;

 * Callback for auto-creating file field $items.
function entity_metadata_field_file_create_item($property_name, $context) {

  // 'fid' is required, so 'file' has to be set as initial property.
  return array(
    'display' => isset($context['field']['settings']['display_default']) ? $context['field']['settings']['display_default'] : 0,

 * Callback for validating file field $items.
function entity_metadata_field_file_validate_item($items, $context) {

  // Allow NULL values.
  if (!isset($items)) {
    return TRUE;

  // Stream-line $items for multiple vs non-multiple fields.
  $items = !entity_property_list_extract_type($context['type']) ? array(
  ) : (array) $items;
  foreach ($items as $item) {

    // File-field items require a valid file.
    if (!isset($item['fid']) || !file_load($item['fid'])) {
      return FALSE;
    if (isset($context['property info']['display']) && !isset($item['display'])) {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Access callback for the node entity.
 * This function does not implement hook_node_access(), thus it may not be
 * called entity_metadata_node_access().
 * @see entity_access()
 * @param $op
 *   The operation being performed. One of 'view', 'update', 'create' or
 *   'delete'.
 * @param $node
 *   A node to check access for. Must be a node object. Must have nid,
 *   except in the case of 'create' operations.
 * @param $account
 *   The user to check for. Leave it to NULL to check for the global user.
 * @throws EntityMalformedException
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if access is allowed, FALSE otherwise.
function entity_metadata_no_hook_node_access($op, $node = NULL, $account = NULL) {

  // First deal with the case where a $node is provided.
  if (isset($node)) {
    if (empty($node->vid) && in_array($op, array(
    ))) {

      // This is a new node or the original node.
      if (isset($node->type)) {
        $op = empty($node->nid) || !empty($node->is_new) ? 'create' : 'update';
        return node_access($op, $op == 'create' ? $node->type : $node, $account);
      else {
        throw new EntityMalformedException('Permission to create a node was requested but no node type was given.');

    // If a non-default revision is given, incorporate revision access.
    $default_revision = node_load($node->nid);
    if ($node->vid !== $default_revision->vid) {
      return _node_revision_access($node, $op, $account);
    else {
      return node_access($op, $node, $account);

  // No node is provided. Check for access to all nodes.
  if (user_access('bypass node access', $account)) {
    return TRUE;
  if (!user_access('access content', $account)) {
    return FALSE;
  if ($op == 'view' && node_access_view_all_nodes($account)) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Access callback for the user entity.
function entity_metadata_user_access($op, $entity = NULL, $account = NULL, $entity_type = NULL) {
  $account = isset($account) ? $account : $GLOBALS['user'];

  // Grant access to the users own user account and to the anonymous one.
  if (isset($entity->uid) && $op != 'delete' && ($entity->uid == $account->uid && $entity->uid || !$entity->uid && $op == 'view')) {
    return TRUE;
  if (user_access('administer users', $account) || user_access('access user profiles', $account) && $op == 'view' && (empty($entity) || !empty($entity->status))) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Access callback for restricted user properties.
function entity_metadata_user_properties_access($op, $property, $entity = NULL, $account = NULL) {
  if (user_access('administer users', $account)) {
    return TRUE;
  $account = isset($account) ? $account : $GLOBALS['user'];

  // Flag to indicate if this user entity is the own user account.
  $is_own_account = isset($entity->uid) && $account->uid == $entity->uid;
  switch ($property) {
    case 'name':

      // Allow view access to anyone with access to the entity.
      if ($op == 'view') {
        return TRUE;

      // Allow edit access for own user name if the permission is satisfied.
      return $is_own_account && user_access('change own username', $account);
    case 'mail':

      // Allow access to own mail address.
      return $is_own_account;
    case 'roles':

      // Allow view access for own roles.
      return $op == 'view' && $is_own_account;
  return FALSE;

 * Access callback for the comment entity.
function entity_metadata_comment_access($op, $entity = NULL, $account = NULL) {

  // When determining access to a comment, 'comment_access' does not take any
  // access restrictions to the comment's associated node into account. If a
  // comment has an associated node, the user must be able to view it in order
  // to access the comment.
  if (isset($entity->nid)) {
    if (!entity_access('view', 'node', node_load($entity->nid), $account)) {
      return FALSE;

  // Comment administrators are allowed to perform all operations on all
  // comments.
  if (user_access('administer comments', $account)) {
    return TRUE;

  // Unpublished comments can never be accessed by non-admins.
  if (isset($entity->status) && $entity->status == COMMENT_NOT_PUBLISHED) {
    return FALSE;
  if (isset($entity) && $op == 'update') {

    // Because 'comment_access' only checks the current user, we need to do our
    // own access checking if an account was specified.
    if (!isset($account)) {
      return comment_access('edit', $entity);
    else {
      return $account->uid && $account->uid == $entity->uid && user_access('edit own comments', $account);
  if (user_access('access comments', $account) && $op == 'view') {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Access callback for restricted comment properties.
function entity_metadata_comment_properties_access($op, $property, $entity = NULL, $account = NULL) {
  return user_access('administer comments', $account);

 * Access callback for the taxonomy entities.
function entity_metadata_taxonomy_access($op, $entity = NULL, $account = NULL, $entity_type = NULL) {

  // If user has administer taxonomy permission then no further checks.
  if (user_access('administer taxonomy', $account)) {
    return TRUE;
  switch ($op) {
    case "view":
      if (user_access('access content', $account)) {
        return TRUE;
    case "update":
      if ($entity_type == 'taxonomy_term') {
        return user_access("edit terms in {$entity->vid}", $account);
    case "create":
      if ($entity_type == 'taxonomy_term') {

        // Check for taxonomy_access_fix contrib module which adds additional
        // permissions to create new terms in a given vocabulary.
        if (function_exists('taxonomy_access_fix_access')) {
          return taxonomy_access_fix_access('add terms', $entity->vocabulary_machine_name);
    case "delete":
      if ($entity_type == 'taxonomy_term') {
        return user_access("delete terms in {$entity->vid}", $account);
  return FALSE;

 * Access callback for file entities.
function entity_metadata_file_access($op, $file, $account, $entity_type) {

  // We can only check access for the current user, so return FALSE on other accounts.
  global $user;
  if ($op == 'view' && isset($file) && (!isset($account) || $user->uid == $account->uid)) {

    // Invoke hook_file_download() to obtain access information.
    foreach (module_implements('file_download') as $module) {
      $result = module_invoke($module, 'file_download', $file->uri);
      if ($result == -1) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Callback to determine access for properties which are fields.
function entity_metadata_field_access_callback($op, $name, $entity, $account, $entity_type) {
  $field = field_info_field($name);
  return field_access($op, $field, $entity_type, $entity, $account);

 * Callback to create entity objects.
function entity_metadata_create_object($values, $entity_type) {
  $info = entity_get_info($entity_type);

  // Make sure at least the bundle and label properties are set.
  if (isset($info['entity keys']['bundle']) && ($key = $info['entity keys']['bundle'])) {
    $values += array(
      $key => NULL,
  if (isset($info['entity keys']['label']) && ($key = $info['entity keys']['label'])) {
    $values += array(
      $key => NULL,
  $entity = (object) $values;
  $entity->is_new = TRUE;
  return $entity;

 * Callback to create a new comment.
function entity_metadata_create_comment($values = array()) {
  $comment = (object) ($values + array(
    'status' => COMMENT_PUBLISHED,
    'pid' => 0,
    'subject' => '',
    'uid' => 0,
    'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
    'node_type' => NULL,
    'is_new' => TRUE,
  $comment->cid = FALSE;
  return $comment;

 * Callback to create a new node.
function entity_metadata_create_node($values = array()) {
  $node = (object) array(
    'type' => $values['type'],
    'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
    'is_new' => TRUE,

  // Set some defaults.
  $node_options = variable_get('node_options_' . $node->type, array(
  foreach (array(
  ) as $key) {
    $node->{$key} = (int) in_array($key, $node_options);
  if (module_exists('comment') && !isset($node->comment)) {
    $node->comment = variable_get("comment_{$node->type}", COMMENT_NODE_OPEN);

  // Apply the given values.
  foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
    $node->{$key} = $value;
  return $node;

 * Callback to save a user account.
function entity_metadata_user_save($account) {
  $edit = (array) $account;

  // Don't save the hashed password as password.
  user_save($account, $edit);

 * Callback to delete a file.
 * Watch out to not accidentilly implement hook_file_delete().
function entity_metadata_delete_file($fid) {
  file_delete(file_load($fid), TRUE);

 * Callback to view nodes.
function entity_metadata_view_node($entities, $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL) {
  $result = node_view_multiple($entities, $view_mode, 0, $langcode);

  // Make sure to key the result with 'node' instead of 'nodes'.
  return array(
    'node' => reset($result),

 * Callback to view comments.
function entity_metadata_view_comment($entities, $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL) {
  $build = array();
  $nodes = array();

  // The comments, indexed by nid and then by cid.
  $nid_comments = array();
  foreach ($entities as $cid => $comment) {
    $nid = $comment->nid;
    $nodes[$nid] = $nid;
    $nid_comments[$nid][$cid] = $comment;
  $nodes = node_load_multiple(array_keys($nodes));
  foreach ($nid_comments as $nid => $comments) {
    $node = isset($nodes[$nid]) ? $nodes[$nid] : NULL;
    $build += comment_view_multiple($comments, $node, $view_mode, 0, $langcode);
  return array(
    'comment' => $build,

 * Callback to view an entity, for which just ENTITYTYPE_view() is available.
function entity_metadata_view_single($entities, $view_mode, $langcode, $entity_type) {
  $function = $entity_type . '_view';
  $build = array();
  foreach ($entities as $key => $entity) {
    $build[$entity_type][$key] = $function($entity, $view_mode, $langcode);
  return $build;

 * Callback to get the form of a node.
function entity_metadata_form_node($node) {

  // Pre-populate the form-state with the right form include.
  $form_state['build_info']['args'] = array(
  form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'node', 'node.pages');
  return drupal_build_form($node->type . '_node_form', $form_state);

 * Callback to get the form of a comment.
function entity_metadata_form_comment($comment) {
  if (!isset($comment->node_type)) {
    $node = node_load($comment->nid);
    $comment->node_type = 'comment_node_' . $node->type;
  return drupal_get_form($comment->node_type . '_form', $comment);

 * Callback to get the form of a user account.
function entity_metadata_form_user($account) {

  // If $account->uid is set then we want a user edit form.
  // Otherwise we want the user register form.
  if (isset($account->uid)) {
    $form_id = 'user_profile_form';
    form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'user', 'user.pages');
  else {
    $form_id = 'user_register_form';
  $form_state['build_info']['args'] = array(
  return drupal_build_form($form_id, $form_state);

 * Callback to get the form of a term.
function entity_metadata_form_taxonomy_term($term) {

  // Pre-populate the form-state with the right form include.
  $form_state['build_info']['args'] = array(
  form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy.admin');
  return drupal_build_form('taxonomy_form_term', $form_state);

 * Callback to get the form of a vocabulary.
function entity_metadata_form_taxonomy_vocabulary($vocab) {

  // Pre-populate the form-state with the right form include.
  $form_state['build_info']['args'] = array(
  form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy.admin');
  return drupal_build_form('taxonomy_form_vocabulary', $form_state);

 * Callback to get the form for entities using the entity API admin ui.
function entity_metadata_form_entity_ui($entity, $entity_type) {
  $info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
  $form_state = form_state_defaults();

  // Add in the include file as the form API does else with the include file
  // specified for the active menu item.
  if (!empty($info['admin ui']['file'])) {
    $path = isset($info['admin ui']['file path']) ? $info['admin ui']['file path'] : drupal_get_path('module', $info['module']);
    $form_state['build_info']['files']['entity_ui'] = $path . '/' . $info['admin ui']['file'];

    // Also load the include file.
    if (file_exists($form_state['build_info']['files']['entity_ui'])) {
      require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $form_state['build_info']['files']['entity_ui'];
  return entity_ui_get_form($entity_type, $entity, $op = 'edit', $form_state);

 * Callback for querying entity properties having their values stored in the
 * entities main db table.
function entity_metadata_table_query($entity_type, $property, $value, $limit) {
  $properties = entity_get_all_property_info($entity_type);
  $info = $properties[$property] + array(
    'schema field' => $property,
  $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
    ->entityCondition('entity_type', $entity_type, '=')
    ->propertyCondition($info['schema field'], $value, is_array($value) ? 'IN' : '=')
    ->range(0, $limit);
  $result = $query
  return !empty($result[$entity_type]) ? array_keys($result[$entity_type]) : array();

 * Callback for querying entities by field values. This function just queries
 * for the value of the first specified column. Also it is only suitable for
 * fields that don't process the data, so it's stored the same way as returned.
function entity_metadata_field_query($entity_type, $property, $value, $limit) {
  $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
  $field = field_info_field($property);
  $columns = array_keys($field['columns']);
    ->entityCondition('entity_type', $entity_type, '=')
    ->fieldCondition($field, $columns[0], $value, is_array($value) ? 'IN' : '=')
    ->range(0, $limit);
  $result = $query
  return !empty($result[$entity_type]) ? array_keys($result[$entity_type]) : array();

 * Implements entity_uri() callback for file entities.
function entity_metadata_uri_file($file) {
  return array(
    'path' => file_create_url($file->uri),


Namesort descending Description
entity_metadata_book_get_properties Callback for getting book node properties.
entity_metadata_comment_access Access callback for the comment entity.
entity_metadata_comment_get_node_properties Callback for getting comment related node properties.
entity_metadata_comment_get_properties Callback for getting comment properties.
entity_metadata_comment_properties_access Access callback for restricted comment properties.
entity_metadata_comment_setter Callback for setting comment properties.
entity_metadata_create_comment Callback to create a new comment.
entity_metadata_create_node Callback to create a new node.
entity_metadata_create_object Callback to create entity objects.
entity_metadata_delete_file Callback to delete a file. Watch out to not accidentilly implement hook_file_delete().
entity_metadata_entity_get_properties Callback for getting properties of an entity.
entity_metadata_field_access_callback Callback to determine access for properties which are fields.
entity_metadata_field_file_create_item Callback for auto-creating file field $items.
entity_metadata_field_file_get Callback for getting the file entity of file fields.
entity_metadata_field_file_set Callback for setting the file entity of file fields.
entity_metadata_field_file_validate_item Callback for validating file field $items.
entity_metadata_field_get_language Helper for determining the field language to be used.
entity_metadata_field_options_list Callback returning the options list of a field.
entity_metadata_field_property_get Callback for getting field property values.
entity_metadata_field_property_set Callback for setting field property values.
entity_metadata_field_query Callback for querying entities by field values. This function just queries for the value of the first specified column. Also it is only suitable for fields that don't process the data, so it's stored the same way as returned.
entity_metadata_field_text_formats Defines the list of all available text formats.
entity_metadata_field_text_get Callback for getting the sanitized text of 'text_formatted' properties. This callback is used for both the 'value' and the 'summary'.
entity_metadata_field_verbatim_get Callback to verbatim get the data structure of a field. Useful for fields that add metadata for their own data structure.
entity_metadata_field_verbatim_set Writes the passed field items in the object. Useful as field level setter to set the whole data structure at once.
entity_metadata_file_access Access callback for file entities.
entity_metadata_form_comment Callback to get the form of a comment.
entity_metadata_form_entity_ui Callback to get the form for entities using the entity API admin ui.
entity_metadata_form_node Callback to get the form of a node.
entity_metadata_form_taxonomy_term Callback to get the form of a term.
entity_metadata_form_taxonomy_vocabulary Callback to get the form of a vocabulary.
entity_metadata_form_user Callback to get the form of a user account.
entity_metadata_language_list Callback defining an options list for language properties.
entity_metadata_locale_get_languages Getter callback for getting global languages.
entity_metadata_locale_get_user_language Getter callback for getting the preferred user language.
entity_metadata_node_get_properties Callback for getting node properties.
entity_metadata_node_revision_access Callback for determining access for node revision related properties.
entity_metadata_no_hook_node_access Access callback for the node entity.
entity_metadata_poll_node_get_properties Callback for getting poll properties.
entity_metadata_statistics_node_get_properties Callback for getting statistics properties.
entity_metadata_statistics_properties_access Access callback for restricted node statistics properties.
entity_metadata_status_options_list Return the options lists for the node and comment status property.
entity_metadata_system_get_file_properties Callback for getting file properties.
entity_metadata_system_get_page_properties Callback for getting properties for the current page request.
entity_metadata_system_get_properties Callback for getting site-wide properties.
entity_metadata_table_query Callback for querying entity properties having their values stored in the entities main db table.
entity_metadata_taxonomy_access Access callback for the taxonomy entities.
entity_metadata_taxonomy_term_get_properties Callback for getting term properties.
entity_metadata_taxonomy_term_setter Callback for setting term properties.
entity_metadata_taxonomy_vocabulary_get_properties Callback for getting vocabulary properties.
entity_metadata_uri_file Implements entity_uri() callback for file entities.
entity_metadata_user_access Access callback for the user entity.
entity_metadata_user_get_properties Callback for getting user properties.
entity_metadata_user_properties_access Access callback for restricted user properties.
entity_metadata_user_roles Options list callback returning all user roles.
entity_metadata_user_save Callback to save a user account.
entity_metadata_user_set_properties Callback for setting user properties.
entity_metadata_user_status_options_list Return the options lists for user status property.
entity_metadata_view_comment Callback to view comments.
entity_metadata_view_node Callback to view nodes.
entity_metadata_view_single Callback to view an entity, for which just ENTITYTYPE_view() is available.