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8 calls to entity_get_property_info() in Entity API 7

EntityDefaultExtraFieldsController::__construct in ./
EntityDefaultViewsController::schema_fields in views/
Try to come up with some views fields with the help of the schema and the entity property information.
EntityDefaultViewsController::schema_revision_fields in views/
Try to come up with some views fields with the help of the revision schema and the entity property information.
EntityDrupalWrapper::setUp in includes/
EntityMetadataTestCase::testEntityMetadataWrapper in ./entity.test
Creates a user and a node, then tests getting the properties.
entity_get_all_property_info in includes/
Gets an array of info about all properties of a given entity type.
entity_metadata_site_wrapper in ./entity.module
Returns a metadata wrapper for accessing site-wide properties.
entity_property_verify_data_type in includes/
Verifies that the given data can be safely used as the given type regardless of the PHP variable type of $data. Example: the string "15" is a valid integer, but "15nodes" is not.