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public function EntityMetadataTestCase::testEntityMetadataWrapper in Entity API 7

Creates a user and a node, then tests getting the properties.


./entity.test, line 745
Entity CRUD API tests.


Tests metadata wrappers.


public function testEntityMetadataWrapper() {
  $account = $this

  // For testing sanitizing give the user a malicious user name.
  $account = user_save($account, array(
    'name' => '<b>BadName</b>',
  $title = '<b>Is it bold?<b>';
  $body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0] = array(
    'value' => '<b>The body & nothing.</b>',
    'summary' => '<b>The body.</b>',
  $node = $this
    'uid' => $account->uid,
    'name' => $account->name,
    'body' => $body,
    'title' => $title,
    'summary' => '',
    'type' => 'page',

  // First test without sanitizing.
  $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node);
    ->assertEqual('<b>Is it bold?<b>', $wrapper->title
    ->value(), 'Getting a field value.');
    ->assertEqual($node->title, $wrapper->title
    ->raw(), 'Getting a raw property value.');

  // Test chaining.
    ->assertEqual($account->mail, $wrapper->author->mail
    ->value(), 'Testing chained usage.');
    ->assertEqual($account->name, $wrapper->author->name
    ->value(), 'Testing chained usage with callback and sanitizing.');

  // Test sanitized output.
  $options = array(
    'sanitize' => TRUE,
    ->assertEqual(check_plain('<b>Is it bold?<b>'), $wrapper->title
    ->value($options), 'Getting sanitized field.');
    ->assertEqual(filter_xss($node->name), $wrapper->author->name
    ->value($options), 'Getting sanitized property with getter callback.');

  // Test getting an not existing property.
  try {
    echo $wrapper->dummy;
      ->fail('Getting an not existing property.');
  } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
      ->pass('Getting an not existing property.');

  // Test setting.
  $wrapper->author = 0;
    ->assertEqual(0, $wrapper->author->uid
    ->value(), 'Setting a property.');
  try {
    $wrapper->url = 'dummy';
      ->fail('Setting an unsupported property.');
  } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
      ->pass('Setting an unsupported property.');

  // Test value validation.
  )), 'Validation correctly checks for valid data types.');
  try {
    $wrapper->author->mail = 'foo';
      ->fail('An invalid mail address has been set.');
  } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
      ->pass('Setting an invalid mail address throws exception.');

  // Test unsetting a required property.
  try {
    $wrapper->author = NULL;
      ->fail('The required node author has been unset.');
  } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
      ->pass('Unsetting the required node author throws an exception.');

  // Test setting a referenced entity by id.
    ->getIdentifier(), $GLOBALS['user']->uid, 'Get the identifier of a referenced entity.');
    ->value(), $GLOBALS['user']->uid, 'Successfully set referenced entity using the identifier.');

  // Set by object.
    ->value(), $GLOBALS['user']->uid, 'Successfully set referenced entity using the entity.');

  // Test getting by the field API processed values like the node body.
  $body_value = $wrapper->body->value;
    ->assertEqual("<p>The body &amp; nothing.</p>\n", $body_value
    ->value(), "Getting processed value.");
    ->assertEqual("The body & nothing.\n", $body_value
    'decode' => TRUE,
  )), "Decoded value.");
    ->assertEqual("<b>The body & nothing.</b>", $body_value
    ->raw(), "Raw body returned.");

  // Test getting the summary.
    ->assertEqual("<p>The body.</p>\n", $wrapper->body->summary
    ->value(), "Getting body summary.");
    'value' => "<b>The second body.</b>",
    ->assertEqual("<p>The second body.</p>\n", $wrapper->body->value
    ->value(), "Setting a processed field value and reading it again.");
    ->assertEqual($node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'], "<b>The second body.</b>", 'Update appears in the wrapped entity.');
    ->assert(isset($node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['safe_value']), 'Formatted text has been processed.');

  // Test translating the body on an English node.
  $body['en'][0] = array(
    'value' => '<b>English body.</b>',
    'summary' => '<b>The body.</b>',
  $node = $this
    'body' => $body,
    'language' => 'en',
    'type' => 'page',
  $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node);
  $languages = language_list();
    ->getPropertyLanguage(), $languages['de'], 'Wrapper language has been set to German');
    ->value(), "<p>English body.</p>\n", 'Language fallback on default language.');

  // Set a German text using the wrapper.
    'value' => "<b>Der zweite Text.</b>",
    ->value(), "<p>Der zweite Text.</p>\n", 'German body set and retrieved.');
    ->value(), "<p>English body.</p>\n", 'Default language text is still there.');

  // Test iterator.
  $type_info = entity_get_property_info('node');
    ->assertFalse(array_diff_key($type_info['properties'], iterator_to_array($wrapper
    ->getIterator())), 'Iterator is working.');
  foreach ($wrapper as $property) {
      ->assertTrue($property instanceof EntityMetadataWrapper, 'Iterate over wrapper properties.');

  // Test setting a new node.
  $node->title = 'foo';
    ->value(), 'foo', 'Changed the wrapped node.');

  // Test getting options lists.
    ->optionsList(), node_type_get_names(), 'Options list returned.');

  // Test making use of a generic 'entity' reference property the
  // 'entity_test' module provides. The property defaults to the node author.
    ->value(), $wrapper->author
    ->getIdentifier(), 'Used generic entity reference property.');

  // Test updating a property of the generic entity reference.
    ->value(), 'foo', 'Updated property of generic entity reference');

  // For testing, just point the reference to the node itself now.
    ->value(), $wrapper
    ->getIdentifier(), 'Correctly updated the generic entity referenced property.');

  // Test saving and deleting.
  $return = node_load($wrapper
    ->assertFalse($return, "Node has been successfully deleted.");

  // Ensure changing the bundle changes available wrapper properties.
    ->assertTrue(isset($wrapper->field_tags), 'Changing bundle changes available wrapper properties.');

  // Test labels.
  $user = $this
  user_save($user, array(
    'roles' => array(),
  $wrapper->author = $user->uid;
    ->label(), $node->title, 'Entity label returned.');
    ->label(), t('authenticated user'), 'Label from options list returned');
    ->label(), t('authenticated user'), 'Label for a list from options list returned');