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function entity_metadata_site_wrapper in Entity API 7

Returns a metadata wrapper for accessing site-wide properties.

Although there is no 'site' entity or such, modules may provide info about site-wide properties using hook_entity_property_info(). This function returns a wrapper for making use of this properties.

Return value

EntityMetadataWrapper A wrapper for accessing site-wide properties.

See also


2 calls to entity_metadata_site_wrapper()
EntityMetadataIntegrationTestCase::testSystemProperties in ./entity.test
Test properties provided by system module.
_entity_token_wrap_data in ./
Wraps the given data by correctly obeying the options.


./entity.module, line 1452


function entity_metadata_site_wrapper() {
  $site_info = entity_get_property_info('site');
  $info['property info'] = $site_info['properties'];
  return entity_metadata_wrapper('site', FALSE, $info);