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Functions in Entity Construction Kit (ECK) 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
eck_add_property_schema ./ Generates schema definition for additional ECK properties. 2
eck_default_properties ./ Returns all default properties for ECK controlled entities. 2
eck_entity_info ./eck.module Implements hook_entity_info().
eck_entity_property_info_alter ./eck.module Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter().
eck_entity_type_features_export ./ Implementation of hook_features_export.
eck_entity_type_features_export_options ./ Implementation of hook_features_export_options().
eck_entity_type_features_export_render ./ Implementation of hook_features_export_render().
eck_entity_type_features_rebuild ./ Implements of hook_features_rebuild().
eck_entity_type_features_revert ./ Implementation of hook_features_revert().
eck_features_api ./eck.module Implements hook_features_api().
eck_forms ./eck.module
eck_get_class_name ./eck.module Generates an upper camel case class name from a machine name. 5
eck_get_custom_property_schema ./ 2
eck_get_entity_label ./eck.module Retrieve the entity label
eck_get_parent_classes ./eck.module
eck_menu ./eck.module Implements hook_menu().
eck_permission ./eck.module Implements hook_permission().
eck_schema ./eck.install Implements hook_schema().
eck_update_7000 ./eck.install Update 7000
eck_update_7001 ./eck.install Update 7001
eck_update_7002 ./eck.install
eck_update_7003 ./eck.install Adds the properties column to the eck table.
eck_update_7004 ./eck.install Adds the custom properties column to the eck table.
eck_update_7005 ./eck.install
eck__bundle__add ./ ADD Entity types. 1
eck__bundle__add_submit ./ Submit function for add form
eck__bundle__add_validate ./ Validation for bundle creation (Make sure this bundle don't exist for thie entity type) 1
eck__bundle__delete ./ Delete the bundle of a given entity type 2
eck__bundle__delete_form ./ 1
eck__bundle__delete_form_submit ./ Sumbmit function for the delete functionality
eck__bundle__field_autocomplete ./ 1
eck__bundle__load ./ Get all the bundles for a given entity_type. 6
eck__bundle__menu ./ This function creates the menu items relevant to bundle administration 1
eck__bundle__overview ./ Page call back for the bundle overview table (to see and manipulate all created label of a given type) 1
eck__entity_create ./eck.module This function creates an entity 1
eck__entity_type__custom_property_label ./ 1
eck__entity_type__delete ./ Delete the entity type 1
eck__entity_type__delete_form ./ 1
eck__entity_type__delete_form_submit ./
eck__entity_type__form ./ Callback for adding entity types functionality. 2
eck__entity_type__form_submit ./ Submit handler for adding and entity type.
eck__entity_type__form_validate ./ When an entity type is being addes, we need to make sure that its name is unique. 1
eck__entity_type__info ./ Generate the entity info for a specific entity 1
eck__entity_type__load ./ Load an entity type object @arg $entity_type (String) the name of the entity_type object to load 9
eck__entity_type__menu ./ Passthrough from hook_menu(). 1
eck__entity_type__overview ./ Callback for the entity_type overview. 1
eck__entity_type__property_info ./ Entity Type specific implementation of property info alter. 1
eck__entity_type__schema ./ Create the default schema for an entity type. 3
eck__entity__add ./ Call back for the local action add (It adds a new entity)
eck__entity__build ./ Get the entities view 1


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