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function eck__entity_type__property_info in Entity Construction Kit (ECK) 7

Entity Type specific implementation of property info alter.

1 call to eck__entity_type__property_info()
eck_entity_property_info_alter in ./eck.module
Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter().


./, line 632


function eck__entity_type__property_info(&$info, $entity_type_object) {
  $properties =& $info['properties'];

  //@TODO Shouldn't we be checking on the properies array of our entity_type_object.. maybe entity api

  //is correctly doing this automatically (CHECK)
  if (isset($properties['uid'])) {
    $properties['uid']['label'] = t('User');
    $properties['uid']['type'] = 'user';
    $properties['uid']['description'] = t('The author of this entity.');
  if (isset($properties['created'])) {
    $properties['created']['label'] = t('Created');
    $properties['created']['type'] = 'date';
    $properties['created']['description'] = t('The Unix timestamp when the entity has been created.');
  if (isset($properties['changed'])) {
    $properties['changed']['label'] = t('Changed');
    $properties['changed']['type'] = 'date';
    $properties['changed']['description'] = t('The Unix timestamp when the entity was most recently saved.');

  // Add custom properties.
  foreach ($entity_type_object->custom_properties as $name => $property) {
    $properties[$name]['label'] = t($property['label']);
    $properties[$name]['type'] = $property['type'];

    //$properties[$name]['description'] = '';