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function eck_get_class_name in Entity Construction Kit (ECK) 7

Generates an upper camel case class name from a machine name.

@params $name The machine name to convert to camel case. @params $suffix Optional class name suffix.

5 calls to eck_get_class_name()
EckController::create in ./eck.module
Implements EntityAPIControllerInterface.
EckController::query in ./eck.module
Builds and executes the query for loading.
eck__bundle__overview in ./
Page call back for the bundle overview table (to see and manipulate all created label of a given type)
eck__entity_type__info in ./
Generate the entity info for a specific entity
eck__entity__overview in ./
This is the callback function for the entity overview page. This page shows all of the entities created of a given type and bundle


./eck.module, line 313


function eck_get_class_name($name, $suffix = '') {
  $parts = array_map('ucfirst', explode('_', $name));
  if ($suffix) {
    $parts[] = $suffix;
  return implode('', $parts);