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Functions in Dynamic Banner 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
dynamic_banner_admin_delete includes/ Post-confirmation; delete a Banner 1
dynamic_banner_admin_delete_confirm includes/ Menu callback; confirms deleting a Banner 1
dynamic_banner_admin_delete_confirm_submit includes/ Execute banners deletion
dynamic_banner_admin_filter_form includes/ Return a form to filter Banners.
dynamic_banner_admin_filter_form_submit includes/ Process result from dynamic banner administrative filter form.
dynamic_banner_admin_filter_form_submit_reset includes/ Process filter form submission when the Reset button is pressed.
dynamic_banner_admin_filter_form_validate includes/ Validate result from dynamic banner administrative filter form.
dynamic_banner_admin_form includes/ The main form dealing with dynamic banner There is now only one form for dynamic banner to deal with unlink in the d6 version 1
dynamic_banner_admin_form_submit includes/ Save a new Banner to the database
dynamic_banner_admin_form_validate includes/ Verify that the Banner is valid It makes sure that the sql does not throw errors
dynamic_banner_admin_page includes/ Return a listing of all defined URL aliases. When filter key passed, perform a standard search on the given key, and return the list of matching URL aliases. 1
dynamic_banner_admin_search_form includes/ Get form for search 1
dynamic_banner_admin_search_form_reset includes/ reset search form 1
dynamic_banner_admin_search_form_submit includes/ submit search form
dynamic_banner_block_info ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_block_info().
dynamic_banner_block_view ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_block_view()
dynamic_banner_build_filter_query includes/ Needed for the filtering of the banners page 1
dynamic_banner_filters includes/ The specific filters that can be used for banners 2
dynamic_banner_find_load_default includes/ Find the default banner and return all of it's attributes 1
dynamic_banner_form_alter ./dynamic_banner.module was using this for debuging
dynamic_banner_help ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_help().
dynamic_banner_image_delete includes/ This function will split the csv fid variable if it needs to be split And then delete those images from the file system and thier values in the db 1
dynamic_banner_image_handler includes/ This function will load imgurl if there is no url for img then it will load the fids into path format 2
dynamic_banner_init ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_init(). Will add the js and css files to display on anypage that the banner block is on
dynamic_banner_install ./dynamic_banner.install Implements hook_install().
dynamic_banner_load_banner includes/ Fetch a specific banner from the database. 2
dynamic_banner_menu ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_menu(). it is key to note here access arguments is referring to permissions
dynamic_banner_node_delete ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_node_delete().
dynamic_banner_node_insert ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_node_insert()
dynamic_banner_node_presave ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_node_presave().
dynamic_banner_node_update ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_node_update().
dynamic_banner_node_view ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_node_view().
dynamic_banner_permission ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_permission(). Permissions for dynamic banner
dynamic_banner_schema ./dynamic_banner.install Implements hook_schema().
dynamic_banner_settings includes/ A page that will display a form for changing how dynamic banner will function 1
dynamic_banner_settings_submit includes/ when the settings form submits this function will save the settings for use
dynamic_banner_set_banner includes/ Set a banner for a given path, preventing duplicates. Note if dbid comes in null then we are creating a banner 1
dynamic_banner_theme ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_theme(). theme template used in module.
dynamic_banner_uninstall ./dynamic_banner.install Implements hook_uninstall().
dynamic_banner_upload_image_validate includes/ Validate/submit handler used for handling image uploads 1

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