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Functions in Dynamic Banner 8.x

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
dynamic_banner_admin_delete ./dynamic_banner.module Post-confirmation; delete a Banner 1
dynamic_banner_admin_delete_confirm ./dynamic_banner.module Menu callback; confirms deleting a Banner. 1
dynamic_banner_admin_delete_confirm_submit ./dynamic_banner.module Execute banners deletion.
dynamic_banner_admin_filter_form ./dynamic_banner.module Return a form to filter Banners. 1
dynamic_banner_admin_filter_form_submit ./dynamic_banner.module Process result from dynamic banner administrative filter form.
dynamic_banner_admin_filter_form_submit_reset ./dynamic_banner.module Process filter form submission when the Reset button is pressed.
dynamic_banner_admin_filter_form_validate ./dynamic_banner.module Validate result from dynamic banner administrative filter form.
dynamic_banner_admin_form ./dynamic_banner.module The main form dealing with dynamic banner There is now only one form for dynamic banner to deal with unlink in the d6 version 1
dynamic_banner_admin_form_submit ./dynamic_banner.module Save a new Banner to the database
dynamic_banner_admin_form_validate ./dynamic_banner.module Verify that the Banner being submitted by the user is valid.
dynamic_banner_admin_page ./dynamic_banner.module Return a listing of all defined URL aliases. When filter key passed, perform a standard search on the given key, And return the list of matching URL aliases. 1
dynamic_banner_block_info ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_block_info().
dynamic_banner_block_view ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_block_view().
dynamic_banner_build_filter_query ./dynamic_banner.module Needed for the filtering of the banners page. 1
dynamic_banner_find_load_default ./dynamic_banner.module Find the default banner and return all of it's attributes 1
dynamic_banner_help ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_help().
dynamic_banner_image_delete ./dynamic_banner.module This function will split the csv fid variable if it needs to be split And then delete those images from the file system and their values in the db
dynamic_banner_image_handler ./dynamic_banner.module This function will load imgurl if there is no url for img Then it will load the fids into path format 2
dynamic_banner_install ./dynamic_banner.install Implements hook_install().
dynamic_banner_load_banner ./dynamic_banner.module Fetch a specific banner from the database. 2
dynamic_banner_menu ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_menu(). it is key to note here access arguments is referring to permissions
dynamic_banner_permission ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_permission(). Permissions for dynamic banner
dynamic_banner_schema ./dynamic_banner.install Implements hook_schema(). Will create the database needed to store the banner connections
dynamic_banner_settings ./dynamic_banner.module A page that will display a form for changing how dynamic banner will function. 1
dynamic_banner_set_banner ./dynamic_banner.module Set a banner for a given path, preventing duplicates. Note if dbid comes in null then we are creating a banner 1
dynamic_banner_theme ./dynamic_banner.module Implements hook_theme(). Theme template used in module.
dynamic_banner_uninstall ./dynamic_banner.install Implements hook_uninstall().
dynamic_banner_upload_image_validate ./dynamic_banner.module Validate/submit handler used for handling image uploads 1
_dynamic_banner_filters ./dynamic_banner.module The specific filters that can be used for banners. 3
_dynamic_banner_filter_conditions ./dynamic_banner.module The specific filter condition that can be used for banners. 2

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