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Files in Dynamic Banner 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
banner.css css/banner.css /* Store all your css for banners in here*/ #banner{ } #banner img{ } #banner p{ } #banner-left{ } #banner-right{ } #banner-left img{ } #banner-right img{ } #banner-right p{ } /* You get the idea */ /* If you want to change the divs or elements…
banner_output_template.tpl.php templates/banner_output_template.tpl.php This file will determine how the dynamic banner block will display includes/ Dynamic Banner Admin Pages and various other functions to make them work Most of the code in this file was derived from path module name = Dynamic Banner description = "Makes a block that can be used to dynamically place a banner on any page you wish to support." dependencies[] = path core = 7.x files[] = dynamic_banner.install files[] = dynamic_banner.module files[] =…
dynamic_banner.install dynamic_banner.install The install file of dynamic_banner
dynamic_banner.module dynamic_banner.module Distributed under GNU GPL version 3

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