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DisplayTest.php in Drupal 10


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namespace Drupal\Tests\views\Functional\Plugin;

use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\language\Entity\ConfigurableLanguage;
use Drupal\Tests\views\Functional\ViewTestBase;
use Drupal\views\Views;
use Drupal\views_test_data\Plugin\views\display\DisplayTest as DisplayTestPlugin;

 * Tests the basic display plugin.
 * @group views
class DisplayTest extends ViewTestBase {

   * Views used by this test.
   * @var array
  public static $testViews = [

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';
  protected function setUp($import_test_views = TRUE, $modules = [
  ]) : void {
    parent::setUp($import_test_views, $modules);
      'administer views',

    // Create 10 nodes.
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) {
        'promote' => TRUE,

   * Tests the display test plugin.
   * @see \Drupal\views_test_data\Plugin\views\display\DisplayTest
  public function testDisplayPlugin() {

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer */
    $renderer = $this->container
    $view = Views::getView('test_view');

    // Add a new 'display_test' display and test it's there.
    $displays = $view->storage
      ->assertTrue(isset($displays['display_test_1']), 'Added display has been assigned to "display_test_1"');

    // Check the display options are like expected.
    $options = [
      'display_options' => [],
      'display_plugin' => 'display_test',
      'id' => 'display_test_1',
      'display_title' => 'Display test',
      'position' => 1,
      ->assertEquals($options, $displays['display_test_1']);

    // Add another one to ensure that position is counted up.
    $displays = $view->storage
    $options = [
      'display_options' => [],
      'display_plugin' => 'display_test',
      'id' => 'display_test_2',
      'display_title' => 'Display test 2',
      'position' => 2,
      ->assertEquals($options, $displays['display_test_2']);

    // Move the second display before the first one in order to test custom
    // sorting.
    $displays['display_test_1']['position'] = 2;
    $displays['display_test_2']['position'] = 1;
      ->set('display', $displays);
      ->assertInstanceOf(DisplayTestPlugin::class, $view->display_handler);

    // Check the test option.
      ->assertSame('', $view->display_handler
    $style = $view->display_handler
    $style['type'] = 'test_style';
      ->setOption('style', $style);
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->assertStringContainsString('<h1></h1>', $output, 'An empty value for test_option found in output.');

    // Change this option and check the title of out output.
      ->overrideOption('test_option', 'Test option title');
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer

    // Test we have our custom <h1> tag in the output of the view.
      ->assertStringContainsString('<h1>Test option title</h1>', $output, 'The test_option value found in display output title.');

    // Test that the display category/summary is in the UI.
      ->pageTextContains('Display test settings');

    // Ensure that the order is as expected.
    $result = $this
      ->assertEquals('Display test 2', $result[0]
      ->assertEquals('Display test', $result[1]
      ->clickLink('Test option title');
    $test_option = $this
      'test_option' => $test_option,
    ], 'Apply');

    // Check the new value has been saved by checking the UI summary text.

    // Test the enable/disable status of a display.
      ->setOption('enabled', FALSE);
      ->isEnabled(), 'Make sure that isEnabled returns FALSE on a disabled display.');
      ->setOption('enabled', TRUE);
      ->isEnabled(), 'Make sure that isEnabled returns TRUE on a disabled display.');

   * Tests the overriding of filter_groups.
  public function testFilterGroupsOverriding() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_filter_groups');

    // mark is as overridden, yes FALSE, means overridden.
      ->setOverride('filter_groups', FALSE);
      ->isDefaulted('filter_groups'), "Make sure that 'filter_groups' is marked as overridden.");
      ->isDefaulted('filters'), "Make sure that 'filters'' is marked as overridden.");

   * Tests the getAttachedDisplays method.
  public function testGetAttachedDisplays() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_get_attach_displays');

    // Both the feed_1 and the feed_2 display are attached to the page display.
    ], $view->display_handler
      ->assertEquals([], $view->display_handler

   * Tests the readmore validation.
  public function testReadMoreNoDisplay() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_display_more');

    // Confirm that the view validates when there is a page display.
    $errors = $view
      ->assertEmpty($errors, 'More link validation has no errors.');

    // Confirm that the view does not validate when the page display is disabled.
      ->setOption('enabled', FALSE);
    $errors = $view
      ->assertNotEmpty($errors, 'More link validation has some errors.');
      ->assertEquals('Display "Default" uses a "more" link but there are no displays it can link to. You need to specify a custom URL.', $errors['default'][0], 'More link validation has the right error.');

    // Confirm that the view does not validate when the page display does not exist.
    $view = Views::getView('test_view');
      ->setOption('use_more', 1);
    $errors = $view
      ->assertNotEmpty($errors, 'More link validation has some errors.');
      ->assertEquals('Display "Default" uses a "more" link but there are no displays it can link to. You need to specify a custom URL.', $errors['default'][0], 'More link validation has the right error.');

   * Tests the readmore with custom URL.
  public function testReadMoreCustomURL() {

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer */
    $renderer = $this->container
    $view = Views::getView('test_display_more');
      ->setOption('use_more', 1);
      ->setOption('use_more_always', 1);
      ->setOption('link_display', 'custom_url');

    // Test more link without leading slash.
      ->setOption('link_url', 'node');
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->assertStringContainsString('/node', $output, 'The read more link with href "/node" was found.');

    // Test more link with leading slash.
      ->setOption('link_display', 'custom_url');
      ->setOption('link_url', '/node');
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->assertStringContainsString('/node', $output, 'The read more link with href "/node" was found.');

    // Test more link with absolute url.
      ->setOption('link_display', 'custom_url');
      ->setOption('link_url', '');
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->assertStringContainsString('', $output, 'The read more link with href "" was found.');

    // Test more link with query parameters in the url.
      ->setOption('link_display', 'custom_url');
      ->setOption('link_url', 'node?page=1&foo=bar');
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->assertStringContainsString('/node?page=1&amp;foo=bar', $output, 'The read more link with href "/node?page=1&foo=bar" was found.');

    // Test more link with fragment in the url.
      ->setOption('link_display', 'custom_url');
      ->setOption('link_url', 'node#target');
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->assertStringContainsString('/node#target', $output, 'The read more link with href "/node#target" was found.');

    // Test more link with arguments.
    $view = Views::getView('test_simple_argument');
      ->setOption('use_more', 1);
      ->setOption('use_more_always', 1);
      ->setOption('link_display', 'custom_url');
      ->setOption('link_url', 'node?date={{ raw_arguments.age }}&foo=bar');
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->assertStringContainsString('/node?date=22&amp;foo=bar', $output, 'The read more link with href "/node?date=22&foo=bar" was found.');

    // Test more link with 1 dimension array query parameters with arguments.
    $view = Views::getView('test_simple_argument');
      ->setOption('use_more', 1);
      ->setOption('use_more_always', 1);
      ->setOption('link_display', 'custom_url');
      ->setOption('link_url', '/node?f[0]=foo:bar&f[1]=foo:{{ raw_arguments.age }}');
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->assertStringContainsString('/node?f%5B0%5D=foo%3Abar&amp;f%5B1%5D=foo%3A22', $output, 'The read more link with href "/node?f[0]=foo:bar&f[1]=foo:22" was found.');

    // Test more link with arguments in path.
      ->setOption('link_url', 'node/{{ raw_arguments.age }}?date={{ raw_arguments.age }}&foo=bar');
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->assertStringContainsString('/node/22?date=22&amp;foo=bar', $output, 'The read more link with href "/node/22?date=22&foo=bar" was found.');

    // Test more link with arguments in fragment.
      ->setOption('link_url', 'node?date={{ raw_arguments.age }}&foo=bar#{{ raw_arguments.age }}');
    $output = $view
    $output = $renderer
      ->assertStringContainsString('/node?date=22&amp;foo=bar#22', $output, 'The read more link with href "/node?date=22&foo=bar#22" was found.');

   * Tests invalid display plugins.
  public function testInvalidDisplayPlugins() {

    // Change the page plugin id to an invalid one. Bypass the entity system
    // so no menu rebuild was executed (so the path is still available).
    $config = $this
      ->set('display.page_1.display_plugin', 'invalid');
      ->pageTextContains('The "invalid" plugin does not exist.');

    // Rebuild the router, and ensure that the path is not accessible anymore.

    // Change the display plugin ID back to the correct ID.
    $config = $this
      ->set('display.page_1.display_plugin', 'page');

    // Place the block display.
    $block = $this
      ->drupalPlaceBlock('views_block:test_display_invalid-block_1', [
      'label' => 'Invalid display',
      ->elementsCount('xpath', "//div[@id = 'block-{$block->id()}']", 1);

    // Change the block plugin ID to an invalid one.
    $config = $this
      ->set('display.block_1.display_plugin', 'invalid');

    // Test the page is still displayed, the block not present, and has the
    // plugin warning message.
      ->pageTextContains('The "invalid" plugin does not exist.');
      ->elementNotExists('xpath', "//div[@id = 'block-{$block->id()}']");

   * Tests display validation when a required relationship is missing.
  public function testMissingRelationship() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_exposed_relationship_admin_ui');

    // Remove the relationship that is not used by other handlers.
      ->removeHandler('default', 'relationship', 'uid_1');
    $errors = $view

    // Check that no error message is shown.
      ->assertArrayNotHasKey('default', $errors, 'No errors found when removing unused relationship.');

    // Unset cached relationships (see DisplayPluginBase::getHandlers())

    // Remove the relationship used by other handlers.
      ->removeHandler('default', 'relationship', 'uid');

    // Validate display
    $errors = $view

    // Check that the error messages are shown.
      ->assertCount(2, $errors['default'], 'Error messages found for required relationship');
      ->assertEquals(new FormattableMarkup('The %relationship_name relationship used in %handler_type %handler is not present in the %display_name display.', [
      '%relationship_name' => 'uid',
      '%handler_type' => 'field',
      '%handler' => 'User: Last login',
      '%display_name' => 'Default',
    ]), $errors['default'][0]);
      ->assertEquals(new FormattableMarkup('The %relationship_name relationship used in %handler_type %handler is not present in the %display_name display.', [
      '%relationship_name' => 'uid',
      '%handler_type' => 'field',
      '%handler' => 'User: Created',
      '%display_name' => 'Default',
    ]), $errors['default'][1]);

   * Tests the outputIsEmpty method on the display.
  public function testOutputIsEmpty() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_display_empty');
      ->outputIsEmpty(), 'Ensure the view output is marked as not empty.');

    // Add a filter, so the view result is empty.
    $item = [
      'table' => 'views_test_data',
      'field' => 'id',
      'id' => 'id',
      'value' => [
        'value' => 7297,
      ->setHandler('default', 'filter', 'id', $item);
      ->assertEmpty($view->result, 'Ensure the result of the view is empty.');
      ->outputIsEmpty(), 'Ensure the view output is marked as not empty, because the empty text still appears.');

    // Remove the empty area, but mark the header area to still appear.
      ->removeHandler('default', 'empty', 'area');
    $item = $view
      ->getHandler('default', 'header', 'area');
    $item['empty'] = TRUE;
      ->setHandler('default', 'header', 'area', $item);
      ->assertEmpty($view->result, 'Ensure the result of the view is empty.');
      ->outputIsEmpty(), 'Ensure the view output is marked as not empty, because the header text still appears.');

    // Hide the header on empty results.
    $item = $view
      ->getHandler('default', 'header', 'area');
    $item['empty'] = FALSE;
      ->setHandler('default', 'header', 'area', $item);
      ->assertEmpty($view->result, 'Ensure the result of the view is empty.');
      ->outputIsEmpty(), 'Ensure the view output is marked as empty.');

   * Tests translation rendering settings based on entity translatability.
  public function testTranslationSetting() {

    // By default there should be no language settings.

    // Enabling the language module should not make a difference.

    // Making the site multilingual should let translatable entity types support
    // translation rendering.

   * Asserts a node and a file based view for the translation setting.
   * The file based view should never expose that setting. The node based view
   * should if the site is multilingual.
   * @param bool $expected_node_translatability
   *   Whether the node based view should be expected to support translation
   *   settings.
  protected function checkTranslationSetting($expected_node_translatability = FALSE) {
    $not_supported_text = 'The view is not based on a translatable entity type or the site is not multilingual.';
    $supported_text = 'All content that supports translations will be displayed in the selected language.';
    if ($expected_node_translatability) {
    else {



Namesort descending Description
DisplayTest Tests the basic display plugin.