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abstract class ViewTestBase in Drupal 10

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/views/tests/src/Functional/ViewTestBase.php \Drupal\Tests\views\Functional\ViewTestBase
  2. 9 core/modules/views/tests/src/Functional/ViewTestBase.php \Drupal\Tests\views\Functional\ViewTestBase

Defines a base class for Views testing in the full web test environment.

Use this base test class if you need to emulate a full Drupal installation. When possible, ViewsKernelTestBase should be used instead. Both base classes include the same methods.


Expanded class hierarchy of ViewTestBase

See also


70 files declare their use of ViewTestBase
AccessTest.php in core/modules/views/tests/src/Functional/Plugin/AccessTest.php
AreaHTTPStatusCodeTest.php in core/modules/views/tests/src/Functional/Handler/AreaHTTPStatusCodeTest.php
AreaTest.php in core/modules/views/tests/src/Functional/Handler/AreaTest.php
AreaTitleWebTest.php in core/modules/views/tests/src/Functional/Handler/AreaTitleWebTest.php
ArgumentDefaultTest.php in core/modules/views/tests/src/Functional/Plugin/ArgumentDefaultTest.php

... See full list


core/modules/views/tests/src/Functional/ViewTestBase.php, line 21


View source
abstract class ViewTestBase extends BrowserTestBase {
  use ViewResultAssertionTrait;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [
  protected function setUp($import_test_views = TRUE, $modules = [
  ]) : void {
    if ($import_test_views) {
      ViewTestData::createTestViews(static::class, $modules);

   * Sets up the views_test_data.module.
   * Because the schema of views_test_data.module is dependent on the test
   * using it, it cannot be enabled normally.
  protected function enableViewsTestModule() {

    // Define the schema and views data variable before enabling the test module.
      ->set('views_test_data_schema', $this
      ->set('views_test_data_views_data', $this

    // Load the test dataset.
    $data_set = $this
    $query = Database::getConnection()
    foreach ($data_set as $record) {

   * Orders a nested array containing a result set based on a given column.
   * @param array $result_set
   *   An array of rows from a result set, with each row as an associative
   *   array keyed by column name.
   * @param string $column
   *   The column name by which to sort the result set.
   * @param bool $reverse
   *   (optional) Boolean indicating whether to sort the result set in reverse
   *   order. Defaults to FALSE.
   * @return array
   *   The sorted result set.
  protected function orderResultSet($result_set, $column, $reverse = FALSE) {
    $order = $reverse ? -1 : 1;
    usort($result_set, function ($a, $b) use ($column, $order) {
      return $order * ($a[$column] <=> $b[$column]);
    return $result_set;

   * Asserts the existence of a button with a certain ID and label.
   * @param string $id
   *   The HTML ID of the button
   * @param string $expected_label
   *   The expected label for the button.
   * @param string $message
   *   (optional) A custom message to display with the assertion. If no custom
   *   message is provided, the message will indicate the button label.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException
  protected function helperButtonHasLabel($id, $expected_label, $message = 'Label has the expected value: %label.') {
    $xpath = $this
      ->buildXPathQuery('//button[@id=:value]|//input[@id=:value]', [
      ':value' => $id,
    $field = $this
      ->find('xpath', $xpath);
    if (empty($field)) {
      throw new ElementNotFoundException($this
        ->getDriver(), 'form field', 'id', $field);
      ->assertEquals($expected_label, $field

   * Executes a view.
   * @param \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view
   *   The view object.
   * @param array $args
   *   (optional) An array of the view arguments to use for the view.
  protected function executeView(ViewExecutable $view, $args = []) {

    // A view does not really work outside of a request scope, due to many
    // dependencies like the current user.

   * Returns the schema definition.
   * @internal
  protected function schemaDefinition() {
    return ViewTestData::schemaDefinition();

   * Returns the views data definition.
  protected function viewsData() {
    return ViewTestData::viewsData();

   * Returns a very simple test dataset.
  protected function dataSet() {
    return ViewTestData::dataSet();

