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dialog.module in Dialog 6

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  1. 7.2 dialog.module
  2. 7 dialog.module


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 * Implementation of hook_theme().
function dialog_theme() {
  return array(
    'dialog_content' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'content' => NULL,
      'template' => 'dialog-content',

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function dialog_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/settings/dialog'] = array(
    'title' => 'Dialog API',
    'description' => 'Set default attributes for dialogs',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Add all the necessary javascript (and css) to be able to display a dialog
 * on the current page.  This must be used on any page that could possibly
 * contain a dialog.  It is safe to call this function repeatedly.
function dialog_add_js() {

  // Provide a gate so we only do this once.
  static $done = FALSE;
  if ($done) {

  // Include CTools ajax so it can preprocess the page's CSS and JS. Helps avoid
  // issues with cache clears.
  $settings = array(
    'Dialog' => array(
      'throbber' => theme('image', ctools_image_path('throbber.gif'), t('Loading...'), t('Loading')),
      'height' => variable_get('dialog_default_height', 'auto'),
      'width' => variable_get('dialog_default_width', '600px'),
  drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');

  // Add jquery_ui js and css.

  // Get the correct CSS path based on jQuery UI version.
  $version_16 = version_compare(jquery_ui_get_version(), '1.7.0', '<');
  $css_path = $version_16 ? 'default' : 'base';
  drupal_add_css(JQUERY_UI_PATH . '/themes/' . $css_path . '/ui.all.css');

  // And finally, the dialog js.
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'dialog') . '/dialog.js');

  // Close the gate.
  $done = TRUE;

 * Place HTML within the modal.
 * @param $title
 *   The title of the modal.
 * @param $html
 *   The html to place within the modal.
function dialog_command_display($title, $html, $options = array()) {
  return array(
    'command' => 'dialog_display',
    'title' => $title,
    'output' => theme('dialog_content', $html),
    'options' => $options,

 * Dismiss the modal.
function dialog_command_dismiss() {
  return array(
    'command' => 'dialog_dismiss',

 * Display loading screen in the modal
function dialog_command_loading() {
  return array(
    'command' => 'dialog_loading',

 * Perform a simple modal render and immediately exit.
 * This is primarily used for error displays, since usually modals will
 * contain forms.
function dialog_ajax_render($title, $output, $options = array()) {
  $commands = array();
  $commands[] = dialog_command_display($title, $output, $options);

 * Wrap a form so that we can use it properly with AJAX. Essentially if the
 * form wishes to render, it automatically does that, otherwise it returns
 * so we can see submission results.
 * @return
 *   The output of the form, if it was rendered. If $form_state['ajax']
 *   is set, this will use ctools_modal_form_render so it will be
 *   a $command object suitable for ctools_ajax_render already.
 *   The return will be NULL if the form was successfully submitted unless
 *   you specifically set re_render = TRUE. If ajax is set the
 *   form will never be redirected.
function dialog_form_wrapper($form_id, &$form_state) {

  // This won't override settings already in.
  $form_state += array(
    're_render' => FALSE,
    'no_redirect' => !empty($form_state['ajax']),
  $output = ctools_build_form($form_id, $form_state);
  if (!empty($form_state['ajax']) && empty($form_state['executed'])) {
    return dialog_form_render($form_state, $output);
  return $output;

 * Render a form into an AJAX display.
function dialog_form_render($form_state, $output) {
  $title = empty($form_state['title']) ? '' : $form_state['title'];

  // If there are messages for the form, render them.
  if ($messages = theme('status_messages')) {
    $output = $messages . $output;
  $commands = array();
  if (isset($form_state['js settings'])) {
    $commands[] = ctools_ajax_command_settings($form_state['js settings']);
  $commands[] = dialog_command_display($title, $output);
  return $commands;

 * Generic dialog replacement for drupal_get_form().  Suitable for use as the
 * page callback in a menu item.
 * This function introduces a new form callback function to handle the
 * post-submit dialog commands, in the ajax context.  This function takes the
 * form of form_id_dialog_success.  If this function is found, it will be
 * automatically called after a valid submission of the form has been detected.
 * If the function does not exist, a redirect will be issued based on the
 * redirect value in the form_state array.  As the final fallback, if the
 * redirect value is missing or empty, a client-side reload command is issued.
 * @param $id
 *   The form_id that would normally be passed to drupal_get_form.
 * @param $js
 *   The %ctools_js wildcard parameter to specify when the call is being made
 *   in a javascript context.
 * @param ...
 *   Any additional parameters will be passed on to the form builder function.
function dialog_get_form($form_id, $js) {
  $args = func_get_args();
  $form_id = array_shift($args);
  $js = array_shift($args);
  $form_state = array(
    'ajax' => (bool) $js,
    'title' => drupal_get_title(),
    'args' => $args,
  $output = dialog_form_wrapper($form_id, $form_state);
  if ($js) {
    if (empty($output)) {
      $func = $form_id . '_dialog_success';
      if (function_exists($func)) {
        $output = $func($form_state);
      else {
        if (!empty($form_state['redirect'])) {
          $output[] = ctools_ajax_command_redirect($form_state['redirect']);
        else {
          $output[] = ctools_ajax_command_reload();
  else {
    return $output;

 * Process variables for dialog-content.tpl.php.
function template_preprocess_dialog_content(&$variables) {
  $variables['help'] = theme('help');
  $variables['messages'] = theme('status_messages');


Namesort descending Description
dialog_add_js Add all the necessary javascript (and css) to be able to display a dialog on the current page. This must be used on any page that could possibly contain a dialog. It is safe to call this function repeatedly.
dialog_ajax_render Perform a simple modal render and immediately exit.
dialog_command_dismiss Dismiss the modal.
dialog_command_display Place HTML within the modal.
dialog_command_loading Display loading screen in the modal
dialog_form_render Render a form into an AJAX display.
dialog_form_wrapper Wrap a form so that we can use it properly with AJAX. Essentially if the form wishes to render, it automatically does that, otherwise it returns so we can see submission results.
dialog_get_form Generic dialog replacement for drupal_get_form(). Suitable for use as the page callback in a menu item.
dialog_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
dialog_theme Implementation of hook_theme().
template_preprocess_dialog_content Process variables for dialog-content.tpl.php.