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function ctools_ajax_render in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 6

Render a commands array into JSON and immediately hand this back to the AJAX requester.

17 calls to ctools_ajax_render()
ctools_access_ajax_add in includes/
AJAX callback to add a new access test to the list.
ctools_access_ajax_delete in includes/
AJAX command to remove an access control item.
ctools_access_ajax_edit in includes/
AJAX callback to edit an access test in the list.
ctools_ajax_render_error in includes/
Send an error response back via AJAX and immediately exit.
ctools_ajax_sample_animal in ctools_ajax_sample/ctools_ajax_sample.module
A modal login callback.

... See full list


includes/, line 459
Utilize the CTools AJAX responder.


function ctools_ajax_render($commands = array()) {

  // Although ajax_deliver() does this, some contributed and custom modules
  // render AJAX responses without using that delivery callback.
  $js_files = array();
  $settings = ctools_process_js_files($js_files, 'header');
  $settings += ctools_process_js_files($js_files, 'footer');
  $query_string = '?' . substr(variable_get('css_js_query_string', '0'), 0, 1);
  $css = drupal_add_css();
  foreach ($css as $media => $types) {

    // If CSS preprocessing is off, we still need to output the styles.
    // Additionally, go through any remaining styles if CSS preprocessing is on and output the non-cached ones.
    foreach ($types as $type => $files) {
      if ($type == 'module') {

        // Setup theme overrides for module styles.
        $theme_styles = array();
        foreach (array_keys($css[$media]['theme']) as $theme_style) {
          $theme_styles[] = basename($theme_style);

      // The theme stuff should already be added and because of admin themes,
      // this could cause different CSS to be added.
      if ($type != 'theme') {
        foreach ($types[$type] as $file => $preprocess) {

          // If the theme supplies its own style using the name of the module style, skip its inclusion.
          // This includes any RTL styles associated with its main LTR counterpart.
          if ($type == 'module' && in_array(str_replace('-rtl.css', '.css', basename($file)), $theme_styles)) {

            // Unset the file to prevent its inclusion when CSS aggregation is enabled.

          // Only include the stylesheet if it exists.
          if (file_exists($file)) {
            $css_files[] = array(
              'file' => base_path() . $file . $query_string,
              'media' => $media,
  if (!empty($js_files)) {
    array_unshift($commands, ctools_ajax_command_scripts(array_keys($js_files)));
  if (!empty($css_files)) {
    array_unshift($commands, ctools_ajax_command_css_files($css_files));
  if (!empty($settings)) {
    array_unshift($commands, ctools_ajax_command_settings(call_user_func_array('array_merge_recursive', $settings)));
  if (!empty($_REQUEST['ctools_multipart'])) {

    // We don't use drupal_json here because the header is not true. We're not really
    // returning JSON, strictly-speaking, but rather JSON content wrapped in a <textarea>
    // as per the "file uploads" example here:
    echo '<textarea>' . drupal_to_js($commands) . '</textarea>';
  else {