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Files in Dialog 6

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
dialog-content.tpl.php dialog-content.tpl.php dialog-content.tpl.php Administration settings for Dialog API name = Dialog description = Provides an API for opening content in an interactive overlay. package = Dialog core = 6.x dependencies[] = ctools dependencies[] = jquery_update dependencies[] = jquery_ui
dialog.module dialog.module modules/dialog_comment/ name = Dialog Comment description = Moves various comment actions into interactive overlays. package = Dialog core = 6.x dependencies[] = dialog dependencies[] = comment
dialog_comment.module modules/dialog_comment/dialog_comment.module Provides Dialog integration for the core comment module. NOTE: In order for the edit, delete and reply links on comments to work, you must patch the Drupal 6 comment module with the patch from example/ name = Dialog Example description = Example implementation of the dialog API. core = 6.x dependencies[] = dialog
dialog_example.module example/dialog_example.module modules/dialog_user/ name = Dialog User description = Moves various user actions into interactive overlays. package = Dialog core = 6.x dependencies[] = dialog dependencies[] = user
dialog_user.module modules/dialog_user/dialog_user.module
README.txt README.txt The module provides an API for creating and updating javascript dialog windows using the jQuery UI Dialog widget and the CTools ajax framework. Using jQuery 1.6…

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