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7 files declare their use of DateiCalParse in Date 8 in date_migrate/
Support for migration into Date fields.
DateRRuleCalc.php in date_repeat/lib/Drupal/date_repeat/DateRRuleCalc.php
Code to compute the dates that match an iCal RRULE.
DateRRuleCalcTest.php in date_repeat/lib/Drupal/date_repeat/Tests/DateRRuleCalcTest.php
Test Date Repeat calculations.
date_repeat.module in date_repeat/date_repeat.module
This module creates a form element that allows users to select repeat rules for a date, and reworks the result into an iCal RRULE string that can be stored in the database. in date_repeat_field/
date_repeat_field.module in date_repeat_field/date_repeat_field.module
Creates the option of Repeating date fields and manages Date fields that use the Date Repeat API. in date_repeat/
Code to add a date repeat selection form to a date field and create an iCal RRULE from the chosen selections.