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function date_set_date in Date 5

Function to set local and db date parts in the date object


$date - the date object: @param $value - the date/time value to set @param $timezone - 'GMT', 'none', or timezone name - the timezone of this value

  • the 'none' option will do no timezone conversions, dates will be stored exactly as entered

@param $type - db or local, the part of the date object to set

  • if you supply a local value and timezone, the function will create the related db values

@param $format - DATE_UNIX or DATE_ISO, the format of the provided value

  • if you supply a unix timestamp, the date object will also create an iso version of the date, and vice versa

@param $reset - force a reset of the provided value even if it already exists

6 calls to date_set_date()
date_convert_timezone in ./
Timezone conversion function
date_make_date in ./
Function to create a date object
date_plus_period in ./
Compute min and max dates for a P value
date_selector_make_dbdate in ./
Construct a value to save to the database from the date selector
date_select_input in ./
Flexible Date/Time Drop-Down Selector

... See full list


./, line 232
Date/time API functions


function date_set_date(&$date, $value, $timezone = 'GMT', $type = 'db', $format = DATE_ISO, $reset = FALSE, $display_errors = FALSE) {
  if (trim($value) == '') {

    // make new blank date
    $date = date_make_date();
    return TRUE;

  // Turn date-only ISO date into complete ISO date,
  // i.e. 2007-10-01 becomes 2007-10-01T00:00:00.
  if ($format == DATE_ISO && strlen($value) < 19) {
    $value = substr($value . 'T00:00:00', 0, 19);

  // store the starting value of the date object in case there are errors
  $old_date = $date;
  $error = array();
  if (trim($value) === 'ERROR') {
    $error[] = 'value';
  if (!$error && $format == DATE_UNIX) {
    $date->{$type}->timestamp = $value;
    $parts = date_unix2array($value);
    if ($parts === 'ERROR') {
      $error[] = 'unix2array';
    else {
      $date->{$type}->parts = $parts;
    $iso = date_unix2iso($value);
    if ($iso === 'ERROR') {
      $error[] = 'unix2iso';
    else {
      $date->{$type}->iso = $iso;
  elseif (!$error && $format == DATE_ISO) {
    $date->{$type}->iso = $value;
    $parts = date_iso2array($value);
    if ($parts === 'ERROR') {
      $error[] = 'iso2array';
    else {
      $date->{$type}->parts = $parts;
    $unix = date_iso2unix($value);
    if ($unix === 'ERROR') {
      $error[] = 'iso2unix';
    else {
      $date->{$type}->timestamp = $unix;
  else {
    $error[] = $format;
  if (!$error && $type == 'local' && (!$date->db->iso || $reset)) {
    if (!date_no_conversion($date) && !empty($timezone)) {
      $date->local->timezone = $timezone;

      // if the local value was submitted, go ahead and compute the db part of the date
      date_convert_timezone($date, $date->local->timezone, 'GMT', 'db');
    else {
      $date->db = $date->local;
  elseif (!$error && $type == 'db' && $date->local->iso && (!$date->local->iso || $reset)) {
    if (!date_no_conversion($date) && !empty($timezone)) {

      // compute local value if the db value was submitted
      // and the local value has not been created and there is a local timezone
      date_convert_timezone($date, 'GMT', $date->local->timezone, 'local');
    else {
      $date->local = $date->db;
  if ($error) {

    // if unable to set date to this value, revert to previous date settings and show error message
    $date = $old_date;
    if ($display_errors) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Unable to set date. ') . implode(', ', $error));
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;