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function term_depth_term_depth_ctools_access_summary in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

Provide a summary description based upon the checked terms.

1 string reference to 'term_depth_term_depth_ctools_access_summary' in term_depth/plugins/access/
Plugin to provide access control based upon a parent term.


term_depth/plugins/access/, line 107
Plugin to provide access control based upon a parent term.


function term_depth_term_depth_ctools_access_summary($conf, $context) {
  $vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($conf['vocabulary']);
  return t('"@term" is in vocabulary "@vocab" at depth @depth', array(
    '@term' => $context->identifier,
    '@vocab' => $vocab->name,
    '@depth' => $conf['depth'],