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function page_manager_render_operations in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 page_manager/ \page_manager_render_operations()

Render an operations array.

This renders an array of operations into a series of nested UL statements, with ajax automatically on unless specified otherwise. Operations will automatically have the URLs generated nested.

Each operation should have a 'type', which tells the renderer how to deal with it:

  • 'operation': An AJAX link to render. This is the default and is assumed if a type is not specified. Other fields for the operation:
  • - 'title': The text to display. Can be an image. Must be pre-sanitized.
  • - 'description': Text to place in the hover box over the link using the title attribute.
  • - 'arguments': Anything optional to put at the end of the URL.
  • - 'path': If set, overrides the default path.
  • - 'no operations': If set, the path will not have operations appended.
  • - 'no task': If set, the path will not have the task id.
  • - 'no link': If set, this item will just be text, not a link.
  • - 'ajax': If set to TRUE, ajax will be used. The default is TRUE.
  • - 'class': An optional class to specify for the link.
  • - 'form': The form to display for this operation, if using a single form.
  • - 'forms': An array of forms that must be paired with 'order' of this operation uses multiple forms. See wizard tool for details.
  • - 'order': The form order to use for multiple forms. See wizard tool for details.
  • - 'form info': Form info overrides for the wizard. See the wizard tool for available settings
  • 'group':
  • - 'title': The title of the link. May be HTML.
  • - 'title class': A class to apply to the title.
  • - 'children': An array of more operations that this group represents. All operations within this group will have this group's ID as part of the AJAX url to make it easier to find.
  • - 'class': A class to apply to the UL of the children.
  • - 'collapsible': If TRUE the collapsible tool will be used.
3 calls to page_manager_render_operations()
page_manager_edit_page in page_manager/
Render the edit page for a a page, custom or system.
page_manager_edit_page_operation in page_manager/
Entry point to edit a single operation for a page.
page_manager_http_response_admin_summary in page_manager/plugins/task_handlers/


page_manager/, line 1105
Administrative functions for the page manager.


function page_manager_render_operations(&$page, $operations, $active_trail, $attributes, $location, $parents = array()) {
  drupal_add_library('system', 'drupal.ajax');
  if (!isset($output[$location])) {
    $output[$location] = '';
  $keys = array_keys($operations);
  $first = array_shift($keys);
  $last = array_pop($keys);

  // Make sure the 'first' and 'last' operations are part of THIS nav tree:
  while ($keys && isset($operations[$first]['location']) && $operations[$first]['location'] != $location) {
    $first = array_shift($keys);
  while ($keys && isset($operations[$last]['location']) && $operations[$last]['location'] != $location) {
    $last = array_pop($keys);
  $active = reset($active_trail);
  foreach ($operations as $id => $operation) {
    $current_path = '';
    if ($parents) {
      $current_path .= implode('/', $parents) . '/';
    $current_path .= $id;
    if (empty($operation['type'])) {
      $operation['type'] = 'operation';

    // We only render an li for things in the same nav tree.
    if (empty($operation['location']) || $operation['location'] == $location) {
      if (!is_array($attributes['class'])) {
        $attributes['class'] = array(
      $class = empty($attributes['class']) || !is_array($attributes['class']) ? array() : $attributes['class'];
      if ($id == $first) {
        $class[] = 'operation-first';
      elseif ($id == $last) {
        $class[] = 'operation-last';
      if (empty($operation['silent']) && !empty($page->changes[$current_path])) {
        $class[] = $operation['type'] == 'group' ? 'changed-group' : 'changed';
      else {
        $class[] = 'not-changed';
      if ($active == $id) {
        $class[] = $operation['type'] == 'group' ? 'active-group' : 'active';
      else {
        $class[] = 'not-active';
      $output[$location] .= '<li class="' . implode(' ', $class) . '">';
    switch ($operation['type']) {
      case 'text':
        $output[$location] .= $operation['title'];
      case 'operation':
        $path = isset($operation['path']) ? $operation['path'] : 'admin/structure/pages/nojs/operation';
        if (!isset($operation['no task'])) {
          $path .= '/' . $page->task_name;
        if (!isset($operation['no operations'])) {
          $path .= '/' . $current_path;
          if (isset($operation['arguments'])) {
            $path .= '/' . $arguments;
        $class = array(
        if (!isset($operation['ajax']) || !empty($operation['ajax'])) {
          $class[] = 'use-ajax';
        if (!empty($operation['class'])) {
          $class[] = $operation['class'];
        $description = isset($operation['description']) ? $operation['description'] : '';
        if (empty($operation['silent']) && !empty($page->changes[$current_path])) {
          $description .= ' ' . t('This setting contains unsaved changes.');
        $output[$location] .= l($operation['title'], $path, array(
          'attributes' => array(
            'id' => 'page-manager-operation-' . $id,
            'class' => $class,
            'title' => $description,
          'html' => TRUE,
      case 'group':
        if ($active == $id) {
          $trail = $active_trail;
        else {
          $trail = array();
        $group_location = isset($operation['location']) ? $operation['location'] : $location;
        $temp = page_manager_render_operations($page, $operation['children'], $trail, $operation, $group_location, array_merge($parents, array(
        if ($temp) {
          foreach ($temp as $id => $text) {
            if (empty($output[$id])) {
              $output[$id] = '';
            $output[$id] .= $text;
    if (empty($operation['location']) || $operation['location'] == $location) {
      $output[$location] .= '</li>';
  if ($output[$location]) {
    $classes = isset($attributes['class']) && is_array($attributes['class']) ? $attributes['class'] : array();
    $classes[] = 'page-manager-operations';
    $output[$location] = '<ul class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '">' . $output[$location] . '</ul>';
    if (!empty($attributes['title'])) {
      $class = '';
      if (isset($attributes['title class'])) {
        $class = $attributes['title class'];
      $title = '<div class="page-manager-group-title' . $class . '">' . $attributes['title'] . '</div>';
      if (!empty($attributes['collapsible'])) {
        $output[$location] = theme('ctools_collapsible', array(
          'handle' => $title,
          'content' => $output[$location],
          'collapsed' => empty($active_trail),
      else {
        $output[$location] = $title . $output[$location];
    return $output;