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function ctools_stylizer_get_settings_name in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/ \ctools_stylizer_get_settings_name()

Get a safe name for the settings.

This uses an md5 of the palette if the name is temporary so that multiple temporary styles on the same page can coexist safely.

1 call to ctools_stylizer_get_settings_name()
ctools_stylizer_get_css_class in includes/
Get the class to use for a stylizer plugin.


includes/, line 195
Create customized CSS and images from palettes created by user input.


function ctools_stylizer_get_settings_name($settings) {
  if ($settings['name'] != '_temporary') {
    return $settings['name'];
  return $settings['name'] . '-' . md5(serialize($settings['palette']));