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class ctools_math_expr in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

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ctools_math_expr Class.


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class ctools_math_expr {

   * If TRUE do not call trigger_error on error other wise do.
   * @var bool
  public $suppress_errors = FALSE;

   * The last error message reported.
   * @var string
  public $last_error = NULL;

   * List of all errors reported.
   * @var array
  public $errors = array();

   * Variable and constant values.
   * @var array
  protected $vars;

   * User defined functions.
   * @var array
  protected $userfuncs;

   * The names of constants, used to make constants read-only.
   * @var array
  protected $constvars;

   * Built in simple (one arg) functions.
   * Merged into $this->funcs in constructor.
   * @var array
  protected $simplefuncs;

   * Definitions of all built-in functions.
   * @var array
  protected $funcs;

   * Operators and their precedence.
   * @var array
  protected $ops;

   * The set of operators using two arguments.
   * @var array
  protected $binaryops;

   * Public constructor.
  public function __construct() {
    $this->userfuncs = array();
    $this->simplefuncs = array(
    $this->ops = array(
      '+' => array(
        'precedence' => 0,
      '-' => array(
        'precedence' => 0,
      '*' => array(
        'precedence' => 1,
      '/' => array(
        'precedence' => 1,
      '^' => array(
        'precedence' => 2,
        'right' => TRUE,
      '_' => array(
        'precedence' => 1,
      '==' => array(
        'precedence' => -1,
      '!=' => array(
        'precedence' => -1,
      '>=' => array(
        'precedence' => -1,
      '<=' => array(
        'precedence' => -1,
      '>' => array(
        'precedence' => -1,
      '<' => array(
        'precedence' => -1,
    $this->binaryops = array(
    $this->funcs = array(
      'ln' => array(
        'function' => 'log',
        'arguments' => 1,
      'arcsin' => array(
        'function' => 'asin',
        'arguments' => 1,
      'arcsinh' => array(
        'function' => 'asinh',
        'arguments' => 1,
      'arccos' => array(
        'function' => 'acos',
        'arguments' => 1,
      'arccosh' => array(
        'function' => 'acosh',
        'arguments' => 1,
      'arctan' => array(
        'function' => 'atan',
        'arguments' => 1,
      'arctanh' => array(
        'function' => 'atanh',
        'arguments' => 1,
      'min' => array(
        'function' => 'min',
        'arguments' => 2,
        'max arguments' => 99,
      'max' => array(
        'function' => 'max',
        'arguments' => 2,
        'max arguments' => 99,
      'pow' => array(
        'function' => 'pow',
        'arguments' => 2,
      'if' => array(
        'function' => 'ctools_math_expr_if',
        'arguments' => 2,
        'max arguments' => 3,
      'number' => array(
        'function' => 'ctools_math_expr_number',
        'arguments' => 1,
      'time' => array(
        'function' => 'time',
        'arguments' => 0,

    // Allow modules to add custom functions.
    $context = array(
      'final' => &$this->funcs,
    drupal_alter('ctools_math_expression_functions', $this->simplefuncs, $context);

    // Set up the initial constants and mark them read-only.
    $this->vars = array(
      'e' => exp(1),
      'pi' => pi(),
    drupal_alter('ctools_math_expression_constants', $this->vars);
    $this->constvars = array_keys($this->vars);

    // Translate the older, simpler style into the newer, richer style.
    foreach ($this->simplefuncs as $function) {
      $this->funcs[$function] = array(
        'function' => $function,
        'arguments' => 1,

   * Change the suppress errors flag.
   * When errors are not suppressed, trigger_error is used to cause a PHP error
   * when an evaluation error occurs, as a result of calling trigger(). With
   * errors suppressed this doesn't happen.
   * @param bool $enable
   *   If FALSE, enable triggering of php errors when expression errors occurs.
   *   otherwise, suppress triggering the errors.
   * @return bool
   *   The new (current) state of the flag.
   * @see ctools_math_expr::trigger()
  public function set_suppress_errors($enable) {
    return $this->suppress_errors = (bool) $enable;

   * Backwards compatible wrapper for evaluate().
   * @see ctools_math_expr::evaluate()
  public function e($expr) {
    return $this

   * Evaluate the expression.
   * @param string $expr
   *   The expression to evaluate.
   * @return string|bool
   *   The result of the expression, or FALSE if an error occurred, or TRUE if
   *   an user-defined function was created.
  public function evaluate($expr) {
    $this->last_error = NULL;
    $expr = trim($expr);

    // Strip possible semicolons at the end.
    if (substr($expr, -1, 1) == ';') {
      $expr = substr($expr, 0, -1);

    // Is it a variable assignment?
    if (preg_match('/^\\s*([a-z]\\w*)\\s*=\\s*(.+)$/', $expr, $matches)) {

      // Make sure we're not assigning to a constant.
      if (in_array($matches[1], $this->constvars)) {
        return $this
          ->trigger("cannot assign to constant '{$matches[1]}'");

      // Get the result and make sure it's good:
      if (($tmp = $this
        ->nfx($matches[2]))) === FALSE) {
        return FALSE;

      // If so, stick it in the variable array...
      $this->vars[$matches[1]] = $tmp;

      // ...and return the resulting value:
      return $this->vars[$matches[1]];
    elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*([a-z]\\w*)\\s*\\(\\s*([a-z]\\w*(?:\\s*,\\s*[a-z]\\w*)*)\\s*\\)\\s*=\\s*(.+)$/', $expr, $matches)) {

      // Get the function name.
      $fnn = $matches[1];

      // Make sure it isn't built in:
      if (isset($this->funcs[$matches[1]])) {
        return $this
          ->trigger("cannot redefine built-in function '{$matches[1]}()'");

      // Get the arguments.
      $args = explode(",", preg_replace("/\\s+/", "", $matches[2]));

      // See if it can be converted to postfix.
      $stack = $this
      if ($stack === FALSE) {
        return FALSE;

      // Freeze the state of the non-argument variables.
      for ($i = 0; $i < count($stack); $i++) {
        $token = $stack[$i];
        if (preg_match('/^[a-z]\\w*$/', $token) and !in_array($token, $args)) {
          if (array_key_exists($token, $this->vars)) {
            $stack[$i] = $this->vars[$token];
          else {
            return $this
              ->trigger("undefined variable '{$token}' in function definition");
      $this->userfuncs[$fnn] = array(
        'args' => $args,
        'func' => $stack,
      return TRUE;
    else {

      // Straight up evaluation.
      return trim($this
        ->nfx($expr)), '"');

   * Fetch an array of variables used in the expression.
   * @return array
   *   Array of name : value pairs, one for each variable defined.
  public function vars() {
    $output = $this->vars;

    // @todo: Is this supposed to remove all constants? we should remove all
    // those in $this->constvars!
    return $output;

   * Fetch all user defined functions in the expression.
   * @return array
   *   Array of name : string pairs, one for each function defined. The string
   *   will be of the form fname(arg1,arg2). The function body is not returned.
  public function funcs() {
    $output = array();
    foreach ($this->userfuncs as $fnn => $dat) {
      $output[] = $fnn . '(' . implode(',', $dat['args']) . ')';
    return $output;

   * Convert infix to postfix notation.
   * @param string $expr
   *   The expression to convert.
   * @return array|bool
   *   The expression as an ordered list of postfix action tokens.
  private function nfx($expr) {
    $index = 0;
    $stack = new ctools_math_expr_stack();

    // Postfix form of expression, to be passed to pfx().
    $output = array();

    // @todo: Because the expr can contain string operands, using strtolower here is a bug.
    $expr = trim(strtolower($expr));

    // We use this in syntax-checking the expression and determining when
    // '-' is a negation.
    $expecting_op = FALSE;
    while (TRUE) {
      $op = substr($expr, $index, 1);

      // Get the first character at the current index, and if the second
      // character is an =, add it to our op as well (accounts for <=).
      if (substr($expr, $index + 1, 1) === '=') {
        $op = substr($expr, $index, 2);

      // Find out if we're currently at the beginning of a number/variable/
      // function/parenthesis/operand.
      $ex = preg_match('/^([a-z]\\w*\\(?|\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+|\\()/', substr($expr, $index), $match);

      // Is it a negation instead of a minus?
      if ($op === '-' and !$expecting_op) {

        // Put a negation on the stack.
      elseif ($op == '_') {
        return $this
          ->trigger("illegal character '_'");
      elseif ((isset($this->ops[$op]) || $ex) && $expecting_op) {

        // Are we expecting an operator but have a num, var, func, or
        // open-paren?
        if ($ex) {
          $op = '*';

          // It's an implicit multiplication.

        // Heart of the algorithm:
        while ($stack
          ->count() > 0 && ($o2 = $stack
          ->last()) && isset($this->ops[$o2]) && (!empty($this->ops[$op]['right']) ? $this->ops[$op]['precedence'] < $this->ops[$o2]['precedence'] : $this->ops[$op]['precedence'] <= $this->ops[$o2]['precedence'])) {

          // Pop stuff off the stack into the output.
          $output[] = $stack

        // Many thanks:
        // finally put OUR operator onto the stack.
        $expecting_op = FALSE;
      elseif ($op === ')') {

        // Pop off the stack back to the last '('.
        while (($o2 = $stack
          ->pop()) !== '(') {
          if (is_null($o2)) {
            return $this
              ->trigger("unexpected ')'");
          else {
            $output[] = $o2;

        // Did we just close a function?
        if (preg_match("/^([a-z]\\w*)\\(\$/", $stack
          ->last(2), $matches)) {

          // Get the function name.
          $fnn = $matches[1];

          // See how many arguments there were (cleverly stored on the stack,
          // thank you).
          $arg_count = $stack

          // Pop the function and push onto the output.
          $output[] = $stack

          // Check the argument count:
          if (isset($this->funcs[$fnn])) {
            $fdef = $this->funcs[$fnn];
            $max_arguments = isset($fdef['max arguments']) ? $fdef['max arguments'] : $fdef['arguments'];
            if ($arg_count > $max_arguments) {
              return $this
                ->trigger("too many arguments ({$arg_count} given, {$max_arguments} expected)");
          elseif (array_key_exists($fnn, $this->userfuncs)) {
            $fdef = $this->userfuncs[$fnn];
            if ($arg_count !== count($fdef['args'])) {
              return $this
                ->trigger("wrong number of arguments ({$arg_count} given, " . count($fdef['args']) . ' expected)');
          else {

            // Did we somehow push a non-function on the stack? this should
            // never happen.
            return $this
              ->trigger('internal error');
      elseif ($op === ',' && $expecting_op) {
        $expecting_op = FALSE;
      elseif ($op === '(' && !$expecting_op) {
      elseif ($ex && !$expecting_op) {

        // Make sure there was a function.
        if (preg_match("/^([a-z]\\w*)\\(\$/", $stack
          ->last(3), $matches)) {

          // Pop the argument expression stuff and push onto the output:
          while (($o2 = $stack
            ->pop()) !== '(') {

            // Oops, never had a '('.
            if (is_null($o2)) {
              return $this
                ->trigger("unexpected argument in {$expr} {$o2}");
            else {
              $output[] = $o2;

          // Increment the argument count.
            ->pop() + 1);

          // Put the ( back on, we'll need to pop back to it again.

        // Do we now have a function/variable/number?
        $expecting_op = TRUE;
        $val = $match[1];
        if (preg_match("/^([a-z]\\w*)\\(\$/", $val, $matches)) {

          // May be func, or variable w/ implicit multiplication against
          // parentheses...
          if (isset($this->funcs[$matches[1]]) or array_key_exists($matches[1], $this->userfuncs)) {
            $expecting_op = FALSE;
          else {
            $val = $matches[1];
            $output[] = $val;
        else {
          $output[] = $val;
        $index += strlen($val);
      elseif ($op === ')') {

        // Miscellaneous error checking.
        return $this
          ->trigger("unexpected ')'");
      elseif (isset($this->ops[$op]) and !$expecting_op) {
        return $this
          ->trigger("unexpected operator '{$op}'");
      elseif ($op === '"') {

        // Fetch a quoted string.
        $string = substr($expr, $index);
        if (preg_match('/"[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"/s', $string, $matches)) {
          $string = $matches[0];

          // Trim the quotes off:
          $output[] = $string;
          $index += strlen($string);
          $expecting_op = TRUE;
        else {
          return $this
            ->trigger('open quote without close quote.');
      else {

        // I don't even want to know what you did to get here.
        return $this
          ->trigger("an unexpected error occurred at {$op}");
      if ($index === strlen($expr)) {
        if (isset($this->ops[$op])) {

          // Did we end with an operator? bad.
          return $this
            ->trigger("operator '{$op}' lacks operand");
        else {

      // Step the index past whitespace (pretty much turns whitespace into
      // implicit multiplication if no operator is there).
      while (substr($expr, $index, 1) === ' ') {

    // Pop everything off the stack and push onto output:
    while (!is_null($op = $stack
      ->pop())) {

      // If there are (s on the stack, ()s were unbalanced.
      if ($op === '(') {
        return $this
          ->trigger("expecting ')'");
      $output[] = $op;
    return $output;

   * Evaluate a prefix-operator stack expression.
   * @param array $tokens
   *   The array of token values to evaluate. A token is a string value
   *   representing either an operation to perform, a variable, or a value.
   *   Literal values are checked using is_numeric(), or a value that starts
   *   with a double-quote; functions and variables by existence in the
   *   appropriate tables.
   *   If FALSE is passed in the function terminates immediately, returning
   *   FALSE.
   * @param array $vars
   *   Additional variable values to use when evaluating the expression. These
   *   variables do not override internal variables with the same name.
   * @return bool|mixed
   *   The expression's value, otherwise FALSE is returned if there is an error
   *   detected unless php error handling intervenes: see suppress_error.
  public function pfx(array $tokens, array $vars = array()) {
    if ($tokens == FALSE) {
      return FALSE;
    $stack = new ctools_math_expr_stack();
    foreach ($tokens as $token) {

      // If the token is a binary operator, pop two values off the stack, do
      // the operation, and push the result back on again.
      if (in_array($token, $this->binaryops)) {
        if (is_null($op2 = $stack
          ->pop())) {
          return $this
            ->trigger('internal error');
        if (is_null($op1 = $stack
          ->pop())) {
          return $this
            ->trigger('internal error');
        switch ($token) {
          case '+':
              ->push($op1 + $op2);
          case '-':
              ->push($op1 - $op2);
          case '*':
              ->push($op1 * $op2);
          case '/':
            if ($op2 == 0) {
              return $this
                ->trigger('division by zero');
              ->push($op1 / $op2);
          case '^':
              ->push(pow($op1, $op2));
          case '==':
              ->push((int) ($op1 == $op2));
          case '!=':
              ->push((int) ($op1 != $op2));
          case '<=':
              ->push((int) ($op1 <= $op2));
          case '<':
              ->push((int) ($op1 < $op2));
          case '>=':
              ->push((int) ($op1 >= $op2));
          case '>':
              ->push((int) ($op1 > $op2));
      elseif ($token === "_") {
          ->push(-1 * $stack
      elseif (preg_match("/^([a-z]\\w*)\\(\$/", $token, $matches)) {
        $fnn = $matches[1];

        // Check for a built-in function.
        if (isset($this->funcs[$fnn])) {
          $args = array();

          // Collect all required args from the stack.
          for ($i = 0; $i < $this->funcs[$fnn]['arguments']; $i++) {
            if (is_null($op1 = $stack
              ->pop())) {
              return $this
                ->trigger("function {$fnn} missing argument {$i}");
            $args[] = $op1;

          // If func allows additional args, collect them too, stopping on a
          // NULL arg.
          if (!empty($this->funcs[$fnn]['max arguments'])) {
            for (; $i < $this->funcs[$fnn]['max arguments']; $i++) {
              $arg = $stack
              if (!isset($arg)) {
              $args[] = $arg;
            ->push(call_user_func_array($this->funcs[$fnn]['function'], array_reverse($args)));
        elseif (isset($fnn, $this->userfuncs)) {
          $args = array();
          for ($i = count($this->userfuncs[$fnn]['args']) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
            $value = $stack
            $args[$this->userfuncs[$fnn]['args'][$i]] = $value;
            if (is_null($value)) {
              return $this
                ->trigger('internal error');

          // yay... recursion!!!!
            ->pfx($this->userfuncs[$fnn]['func'], $args));
      else {
        if (is_numeric($token) || $token[0] == '"') {
        elseif (array_key_exists($token, $this->vars)) {
        elseif (array_key_exists($token, $vars)) {
        else {
          return $this
            ->trigger("undefined variable '{$token}'");

    // When we're out of tokens, the stack should have a single element, the
    // final result:
    if ($stack
      ->count() !== 1) {
      return $this
        ->trigger('internal error');
    return $stack

   * Trigger an error, but nicely, if need be.
   * @param string $msg
   *   Message to add to trigger error.
   * @return bool
   *   Can trigger error, then returns FALSE.
  protected function trigger($msg) {
    $this->errors[] = $msg;
    $this->last_error = $msg;
    if (!$this->suppress_errors) {
      trigger_error($msg, E_USER_WARNING);
    return FALSE;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ctools_math_expr::$binaryops protected property The set of operators using two arguments.
ctools_math_expr::$constvars protected property The names of constants, used to make constants read-only.
ctools_math_expr::$errors public property List of all errors reported.
ctools_math_expr::$funcs protected property Definitions of all built-in functions.
ctools_math_expr::$last_error public property The last error message reported.
ctools_math_expr::$ops protected property Operators and their precedence.
ctools_math_expr::$simplefuncs protected property Built in simple (one arg) functions. Merged into $this->funcs in constructor.
ctools_math_expr::$suppress_errors public property If TRUE do not call trigger_error on error other wise do.
ctools_math_expr::$userfuncs protected property User defined functions.
ctools_math_expr::$vars protected property Variable and constant values.
ctools_math_expr::e public function Backwards compatible wrapper for evaluate().
ctools_math_expr::evaluate public function Evaluate the expression.
ctools_math_expr::funcs public function Fetch all user defined functions in the expression.
ctools_math_expr::nfx private function Convert infix to postfix notation.
ctools_math_expr::pfx public function Evaluate a prefix-operator stack expression.
ctools_math_expr::set_suppress_errors public function Change the suppress errors flag.
ctools_math_expr::trigger protected function Trigger an error, but nicely, if need be.
ctools_math_expr::vars public function Fetch an array of variables used in the expression.
ctools_math_expr::__construct public function Public constructor.