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function ctools_field_label in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

Returns the label of a certain field.

Cribbed from Views.

2 calls to ctools_field_label()
ctools_entity_field_content_type_admin_title in plugins/content_types/entity_context/
Returns the administrative title for a type.
ctools_entity_from_field_get_children in plugins/relationships/


includes/, line 158
Extend core fields with some helper functions to reduce code complexity within views and ctools plugins.


function ctools_field_label($field_name) {
  $label_counter = array();

  // Count the amount of instances per label per field.
  $instances = field_info_instances();
  foreach ($instances as $entity_type) {
    foreach ($entity_type as $bundle) {
      if (isset($bundle[$field_name])) {
        $label_counter[$bundle[$field_name]['label']] = isset($label_counter[$bundle[$field_name]['label']]) ? ++$label_counter[$bundle[$field_name]['label']] : 1;
  if (empty($label_counter)) {
    return $field_name;

  // Sort the field lables by it most used label and return the most used one.
  $label_counter = array_keys($label_counter);
  return $label_counter[0];