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function ctools_field_foreign_keys in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

Derive the foreign keys that a field provides.


$field_name: The name of the field.

Return value

An array of foreign keys according to Schema API.

1 call to ctools_field_foreign_keys()
ctools_entity_from_field_get_children in plugins/relationships/


includes/, line 338
Extend core fields with some helper functions to reduce code complexity within views and ctools plugins.


function ctools_field_foreign_keys($field_name) {
  $foreign_keys =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (!isset($foreign_keys[$field_name])) {
    $foreign_keys[$field_name] = array();
    $field = field_info_field($field_name);
    if (!empty($field['foreign keys'])) {
      $foreign_keys[$field_name] = $field['foreign keys'];
    else {

      // Try to fetch foreign keys from schema, as not everything
      // stores foreign keys properly in the field info.
      $module = $field['module'];
      $schema = module_invoke($module, 'field_schema', $field);
      if (!empty($schema['foreign keys'])) {
        $foreign_keys[$field_name] = $schema['foreign keys'];
  return $foreign_keys[$field_name];