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function ctools_export_default_to_hook_code in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 includes/ \ctools_export_default_to_hook_code()

Default function to export objects to code.

Note that if your module provides a 'to hook code callback' then it will receive only $names and $name as arguments. Your module is presumed to already know the rest.

1 call to ctools_export_default_to_hook_code()
ctools_export_to_hook_code in includes/
Convert a group of objects to code based upon input and return this as a larger export.


includes/, line 1228
Contains code to make it easier to have exportable objects.


function ctools_export_default_to_hook_code($schema, $table, $names, $name) {
  $export = $schema['export'];
  $output = '';
  $objects = ctools_export_crud_load_multiple($table, $names);
  if ($objects) {
    $output = "/**\n";
    $output .= " * Implements hook_{$export['default hook']}().\n";
    $output .= " */\n";
    $output .= "function " . $name . "_{$export['default hook']}() {\n";
    $output .= "  \${$export['identifier']}s = array();\n\n";
    foreach ($objects as $object) {
      $output .= ctools_export_crud_export($table, $object, '  ');
      $output .= "  \${$export['identifier']}s['" . check_plain($object->{$export['key']}) . "'] = \${$export['identifier']};\n\n";
    $output .= "  return \${$export['identifier']}s;\n";
    $output .= "}\n";
  return $output;