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function _ctools_export_get_defaults in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/ \_ctools_export_get_defaults()

Call the hook to get all default objects of the given type from the export. If configured properly, this could include loading up an API to get default objects.

2 calls to _ctools_export_get_defaults()
ctools_export_load_object in includes/
Load some number of exportable objects.
ctools_get_default_object in includes/
Get the default version of an object, if it exists.
1 string reference to '_ctools_export_get_defaults'
ctools_export_load_object_reset in includes/
Reset all static caches in ctools_export_load_object() or static caches for a given table in ctools_export_load_object().


includes/, line 540
Contains code to make it easier to have exportable objects.


function _ctools_export_get_defaults($table, $export) {
  $cache =& ctools_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (!isset($cache[$table])) {
    $cache[$table] = array();
    if ($export['default hook']) {
      if (!empty($export['api'])) {
        $info = ctools_plugin_api_include($export['api']['owner'], $export['api']['api'], $export['api']['minimum_version'], $export['api']['current_version']);
        $modules = array_keys($info);
      else {
        $modules = module_implements($export['default hook']);
      foreach ($modules as $module) {
        $function = $module . '_' . $export['default hook'];
        if (function_exists($function)) {
          foreach ((array) $function($export) as $name => $object) {

            // Record the module that provides this exportable.
            if (is_object($object)) {
              $object->export_module = $module;
            if (empty($export['api'])) {
              $cache[$table][$name] = $object;
            else {

              // If version checking is enabled, ensure that the object can be used.
              if (isset($object->api_version) && $object->api_version >= $export['api']['minimum_version'] && $object->api_version <= $export['api']['current_version']) {
                $cache[$table][$name] = $object;
      drupal_alter($export['default hook'], $cache[$table]);
  return $cache[$table];