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function theme_ctools_context_list in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 includes/ \theme_ctools_context_list()

Create a visible list of all the contexts available on an object. Assumes arguments, relationships and context objects.

Contexts must be preloaded.

1 theme call to theme_ctools_context_list()
ctools_context_handler_edit_context in includes/
Edit contexts that go with this panel.


includes/, line 135
Contains theme registry and theme implementations for the context tool.


function theme_ctools_context_list($vars) {
  $object = $vars['object'];
  $header = $vars['header'];
  $description = !empty($vars['description']) ? $vars['description'] : NULL;
  $titles = array();
  $output = '';
  $count = 1;
  $contexts = ctools_context_load_contexts($object);

  // Describe 'built in' contexts.
  if (!empty($object->base_contexts)) {
    foreach ($object->base_contexts as $id => $context) {
      $output .= '<tr>';
      $output .= '<td valign="top"><em>' . t('Built in context') . '</em></td>';
      $desc = check_plain($context->identifier);
      if (isset($context->keyword)) {
        $desc .= '<div class="description">' . t('Keyword: %@keyword', array(
          '@keyword' => $context->keyword,
        foreach (ctools_context_get_converters('%' . $context->keyword . ':', $context) as $keyword => $title) {
          $desc .= '<br />' . t('@keyword --&gt; @title', array(
            '@keyword' => $keyword,
            '@title' => $title,
        $desc .= '</div>';
      if (isset($context->description)) {
        $desc .= '<div class="description">' . filter_xss_admin($context->description) . '</div>';
      $output .= '<td>' . $desc . '</td>';
      $output .= '</tr>';
      $titles[$id] = $context->identifier;

  // First, make a list of arguments. Arguments are pretty simple.
  if (!empty($object->arguments)) {
    foreach ($object->arguments as $argument) {
      $output .= '<tr>';
      $output .= '<td valign="top"><em>' . t('Argument @count', array(
        '@count' => $count,
      )) . '</em></td>';
      $desc = check_plain($argument['identifier']);
      if (isset($argument['keyword'])) {
        $desc .= '<div class="description">' . t('Keyword: %@keyword', array(
          '@keyword' => $argument['keyword'],
        if (isset($contexts[ctools_context_id($argument, 'argument')])) {
          foreach (ctools_context_get_converters('%' . $argument['keyword'] . ':', $contexts[ctools_context_id($argument, 'argument')]) as $keyword => $title) {
            $desc .= '<br />' . t('@keyword --&gt; @title', array(
              '@keyword' => $keyword,
              '@title' => $title,
        $desc .= '</div>';
      $output .= '<td>' . $desc . '</td>';
      $output .= '</tr>';
      $titles[ctools_context_id($argument, 'argument')] = $argument['identifier'];
  $count = 1;

  // Then, make a nice list of contexts.
  if (!empty($object->contexts)) {
    foreach ($object->contexts as $context) {
      $output .= '<tr>';
      $output .= '<td valign="top"><em>' . t('Context @count', array(
        '@count' => $count,
      )) . '</em></td>';
      $desc = check_plain($context['identifier']);
      if (isset($context['keyword'])) {
        $desc .= '<div class="description">' . t('Keyword: %@keyword', array(
          '@keyword' => $context['keyword'],
        foreach (ctools_context_get_converters('%' . $context['keyword'] . ':', $contexts[ctools_context_id($context, 'context')]) as $keyword => $title) {
          $desc .= '<br />' . t('@keyword --&gt; @title', array(
            '@keyword' => $keyword,
            '@title' => $title,
        $desc .= '</div>';
      $output .= '<td>' . $desc . '</td>';
      $output .= '</tr>';
      $titles[ctools_context_id($context)] = $context['identifier'];

  // And relationships.
  if (!empty($object->relationships)) {
    foreach ($object->relationships as $relationship) {
      $output .= '<tr>';
      if (is_array($relationship['context'])) {
        $rtitles = array();
        foreach ($relationship['context'] as $cid) {
          $rtitles[$cid] = $titles[$cid];
        $title = implode(' + ', $rtitles);
      else {
        $title = $titles[$relationship['context']];
      $output .= '<td valign="top"><em>' . t('From "@title"', array(
        '@title' => $title,
      )) . '</em></td>';
      $desc = check_plain($relationship['identifier']);
      if (isset($relationship['keyword'])) {
        $desc .= '<div class="description">' . t('Keyword: %@keyword', array(
          '@keyword' => $relationship['keyword'],
        foreach (ctools_context_get_converters('%' . $relationship['keyword'] . ':', $contexts[ctools_context_id($relationship, 'relationship')]) as $keyword => $title) {
          $desc .= '<br />' . t('@keyword --&gt; @title', array(
            '@keyword' => $keyword,
            '@title' => $title,
        $desc .= '</div>';
      $output .= '<td>' . $desc . '</td>';
      $output .= '</tr>';
      $titles[ctools_context_id($relationship, 'relationship')] = $relationship['identifier'];
  $head = '';
  if ($header) {
    if ($description) {
      $header .= '<div class="description">' . $description . '</div>';
    $head .= '<thead><tr>';
    $head .= '<th colspan="2">' . $header . '</th>';
    $head .= '</tr></thead>';
  return $output ? "<table>{$head}<tbody>{$output}</tbody></table>\n" : "<table>{$head}</table>\n";