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function ctools_context_get_all_converters in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/ \ctools_context_get_all_converters()

Get a list of all contexts + converters available.

1 call to ctools_context_get_all_converters()
views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::options_form in views_content/plugins/views/
Provide the default form for setting options.


includes/, line 482
Contains code related to the ctools system of 'context'.


function ctools_context_get_all_converters() {
  $contexts = ctools_get_contexts();
  $converters = array();
  foreach ($contexts as $name => $context) {
    $context_converters = _ctools_context_get_converters($name . '.', $name);
    if ($context_converters) {
      $converters[$context['title']] = $context_converters;
  return $converters;