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function ctools_context_handler_select in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 includes/ \ctools_context_handler_select()

Compare arguments to contexts for selection purposes.


object $handler: The handler in question.

object $contexts: The context objects provided by the task.

Return value

bool TRUE if these contexts match the selection rules. NULL or FALSE otherwise.

2 calls to ctools_context_handler_select()
ctools_context_handler_default_test in includes/
Default test function to see if a task handler should be rendered.
page_manager_http_response_render in page_manager/plugins/task_handlers/


includes/, line 286
Support for creating 'context' type task handlers.


function ctools_context_handler_select($handler, $contexts) {
  if (empty($handler->conf['access'])) {
    return TRUE;
  return ctools_access($handler->conf['access'], $contexts);