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function ctools_context_handler_render_handler in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

Render a task handler.

1 call to ctools_context_handler_render_handler()
ctools_context_handler_render in includes/
Render a context type task handler given a list of handlers attached to a type.


includes/, line 98
Support for creating 'context' type task handlers.


function ctools_context_handler_render_handler($task, $subtask, $handler, $contexts, $args, $page = TRUE) {
  $function = page_manager_get_renderer($handler);
  if (!$function) {
    return NULL;
  if ($page) {
    if ($subtask) {
      $task_name = page_manager_make_task_name($task['name'], $subtask['name']);
    else {
      $task_name = $task['name'];
      'name' => $task_name,
      'task' => $task,
      'subtask' => $subtask,
      'contexts' => $contexts,
      'arguments' => $args,
      'handler' => $handler,
  $info = $function($handler, $contexts, $args);
  if (!$info) {
    return NULL;
  $context = array(
    'args' => $args,
    'contexts' => $contexts,
    'task' => $task,
    'subtask' => $subtask,
    'handler' => $handler,
  drupal_alter('ctools_render', $info, $page, $context);

  // If we don't own the page, let the caller deal with rendering.
  if (!$page) {
    return $info;
  if (!empty($info['response code']) && $info['response code'] != 200) {
    switch ($info['response code']) {
      case 403:
        return MENU_ACCESS_DENIED;
      case 404:
        return MENU_NOT_FOUND;
      case 410:
        drupal_add_http_header('Status', '410 Gone');
      case 301:
      case 302:
      case 303:
      case 304:
      case 305:
      case 307:
        $info += array(
          'query' => array(),
          'fragment' => '',
        $options = array(
          'query' => $info['query'],
          'fragment' => $info['fragment'],
        drupal_goto($info['destination'], $options, $info['response code']);
  $plugin = page_manager_get_task_handler($handler->handler);
  if (module_exists('contextual') && user_access('access contextual links') && isset($handler->task)) {

    // Provide a contextual link to edit this, if we can:
    $callback = isset($plugin['contextual link']) ? $plugin['contextual link'] : 'ctools_task_handler_default_contextual_link';
    if ($callback && function_exists($callback)) {
      $links = $callback($handler, $plugin, $contexts, $args);
    if (!empty($links) && is_array($links)) {
      $build = array(
        '#theme_wrappers' => array(
        '#attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
      if (!is_array($info['content'])) {
        $build['content']['#markup'] = $info['content'];
      else {
        $build['content'] = $info['content'];
      $build['contextual_links'] = array(
        '#prefix' => '<div class="contextual-links-wrapper">',
        '#suffix' => '</div>',
        '#theme' => 'links__contextual',
        '#links' => $links,
        '#attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
        '#attached' => array(
          'library' => array(
      $info['content'] = $build;
  foreach (ctools_context_handler_get_task_arguments($task, $subtask) as $id => $argument) {
    $plugin = ctools_get_argument($argument['name']);
    $cid = ctools_context_id($argument, 'argument');
    if (!empty($contexts[$cid]) && ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($plugin, 'breadcrumb'))) {
      $function($argument['settings'], $contexts[$cid]);
  if (isset($info['title'])) {
    drupal_set_title($info['title'], PASS_THROUGH);

  // Only directly output if $page was set to true.
  if (!empty($info['no_blocks'])) {
  return $info['content'];