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Functions in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ctools_context_node_edit_convert_list plugins/contexts/ Provide a list of ways that this context can be converted to a string. 1
ctools_context_node_edit_form_settings_form plugins/contexts/ 1
ctools_context_node_edit_form_settings_form_submit plugins/contexts/
ctools_context_node_edit_form_settings_form_validate plugins/contexts/ Validate a node.
ctools_context_node_settings_form plugins/contexts/ 1
ctools_context_node_settings_form_submit plugins/contexts/
ctools_context_node_settings_form_validate plugins/contexts/ Validate a node.
ctools_context_plugin_type includes/ @file Contains plugin type registration information for the context tool.
ctools_context_query_string_convert plugins/contexts/ Convert a context into a string. 1
ctools_context_query_string_create_query_string plugins/contexts/ Create a context from manual configuration. 1
ctools_context_query_string_settings_form plugins/contexts/ Form builder; settings for the context. 1
ctools_context_query_string_settings_form_submit plugins/contexts/ Submit handler; settings form for the context.
ctools_context_replace_form includes/ Provide a form array for getting data to replace placeholder contexts with real data.
ctools_context_replace_placeholders includes/ Replace placeholders with real contexts using data extracted from a form for the purposes of previews.
ctools_context_select includes/ Choose a context or contexts based upon the selection made via ctools_context_filter. 4
ctools_context_selector includes/ Create a select box to choose possible contexts. 3
ctools_context_string_convert plugins/contexts/ Convert a context into a string. 1
ctools_context_string_settings_form plugins/contexts/ String settings form. 1
ctools_context_string_settings_form_submit plugins/contexts/
ctools_context_terms_convert plugins/contexts/ Convert a context into a string. 1
ctools_context_term_convert plugins/contexts/ Convert a context into a string. 1
ctools_context_term_settings_form plugins/contexts/ 1
ctools_context_term_settings_form_submit plugins/contexts/
ctools_context_term_settings_form_validate plugins/contexts/ Validate a term.
ctools_context_theme includes/ Implements hook_theme()
ctools_context_token_convert plugins/contexts/ Token conversion function: look up the token and return it's value. 1
ctools_context_token_convert_list plugins/contexts/ Implementation of hook_ctools_context_convert_list(). 1
ctools_context_user_convert plugins/contexts/ Convert a context into a string. 1 1
ctools_context_user_convert_list plugins/contexts/ Provide a list of replacements. 1 1
ctools_context_user_edit_convert plugins/contexts/ Convert a context into a string. 1
ctools_context_user_edit_convert_list plugins/contexts/ Provide a list of ways that this context can be converted to a string. 1
ctools_context_user_edit_form_settings_form plugins/contexts/ 1
ctools_context_user_edit_form_settings_form_submit plugins/contexts/
ctools_context_user_edit_form_settings_form_validate plugins/contexts/ Validate a node.
ctools_context_user_settings_form plugins/contexts/ 1
ctools_context_user_settings_form_submit plugins/contexts/
ctools_context_user_settings_form_validate plugins/contexts/ Validate a user.
ctools_context_vocabulary_settings_form plugins/contexts/ 1
ctools_context_vocabulary_settings_form_submit plugins/contexts/
ctools_cron ./ctools.module Implementation of hook_cron. Clean up old caches.
ctools_css_assemble includes/ Re-assemble a css string and format it nicely. 2
ctools_css_cache includes/ Write a chunk of CSS to a temporary cache file and return the file name. 3 1
ctools_css_clear includes/ Remove stored CSS and any associated file. 1
ctools_css_compress includes/ Compress css data (filter it first!) to optimize for use on view. 1
ctools_css_disassemble includes/ Disassemble the css string. 2
ctools_css_filter includes/ Filter a chunk of CSS text. 2
ctools_css_filter_css_data includes/ Run disassembled $css through the filter. 2
ctools_css_filter_default_allowed_properties includes/ Provide a deafult list of allowed properties by the filter. 1
ctools_css_filter_default_allowed_values includes/ Provide a default list of allowed values by the filter. 1
ctools_css_flush_caches includes/ Delegated implementation of hook_flush_caches() 1


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