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function ctools_drush_command in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

Implements hook_drush_command().


drush/, line 11
CTools Drush commands.


function ctools_drush_command() {
  $items = array();
  $module_text = 'Filter the list of exportables by module. This will come from the \'export_module\' key on the exportable.';
  $all_text = 'Perform this operation all CTools exportables available on the system (all tables).';
  $items['ctools-export'] = array(
    'aliases' => array(
    'callback' => 'ctools_drush_export',
    'description' => 'Export multiple CTools exportable objects directly to code.',
    'arguments' => array(
      'module' => 'Name of your module.',
    'options' => array(
      'subdir' => 'The name of the sub directory to create the module in. Defaults to ctools_export which will be placed into sites/all/modules.',
      'remove' => 'Remove existing files before writing, except the .module file.',
      'filter' => 'Filter the list of exportables by status. Available options are enabled, disabled, overridden, database, code and all. Defaults to enabled.',
      'tables' => 'Comma separated list of exportable table names to filter by.',
    'examples' => array(
      'drush ctex export_module' => 'Export CTools exportables to a module called "export_module".',
      'drush ctex export_module --subdir=exports' => 'Same as above, but into the sites/all/modules/exports directory.',
      'drush ctex export_module --subdir=exports --remove' => 'Same as above, but automatically removing all files, except for the .module file.',
      'drush ctex --filter="views_view"' => 'Filter export selection to the views_view table only.',
  $items['ctools-export-info'] = array(
    'aliases' => array(
    'callback' => 'ctools_drush_export_info',
    'description' => 'Show available CTools exportable objects.',
    'arguments' => array(),
    'options' => array(
      'format' => 'Display exportables info in a different format such as print_r, json, export. The default is to show in a tabular format.',
      'tables-only' => 'Only show list of exportable types/table names and not available objects.',
      'filter' => 'Filter the list of exportables by status. Available options are enabled, disabled, overridden, database, and code.',
      'module' => $module_text,
    'examples' => array(
      'drush ctools-export-info' => 'View export info on all exportables.',
      'drush ctools-export-info views_view variable' => 'View export info for views_view and variable exportable types only.',
      'drush ctei --filter=enabled' => 'Show all enabled exportables.',
      'drush ctei views_view --filter=disabled' => 'Show all enabled exportables.',
      'drush ctei views_view --module=node' => 'Show all exportables provided by/on behalf of the node module.',
  $items['ctools-export-view'] = array(
    'aliases' => array(
    'callback' => 'ctools_drush_export_op_command',
    'description' => 'View CTools exportable object code output.',
    'arguments' => array(
      'table name' => 'Base table of the exportable you want to view.',
      'machine names' => 'Space separated list of exportables you want to view.',
    'options' => array(
      'indent' => 'The string to use for indentation when displaying the exportable export code. Defaults to \'\'.',
      'no-colour' => 'Remove any colour formatting from export string output. Ideal if you are sending the output of this command to a file.',
      'module' => $module_text,
      'all' => $all_text,
    'examples' => array(
      'drush ctools-export-view views_view' => 'View all views exportable objects.',
      'drush ctools-export-view views_view archive' => 'View default views archive view.',
  $items['ctools-export-revert'] = array(
    'aliases' => array(
    'callback' => 'ctools_drush_export_op_command',
    'description' => 'Revert CTools exportables from changes overridden in the database.',
    'arguments' => array(
      'table name' => 'Base table of the exportable you want to revert.',
      'machine names' => 'Space separated list of exportables you want to revert.',
    'options' => array(
      'module' => $module_text,
      'all' => $all_text,
    'examples' => array(
      'drush ctools-export-revert views_view' => 'Revert all overridden views exportable objects.',
      'drush ctools-export-revert views_view archive' => 'Revert overridden default views archive view.',
      'drush ctools-export-revert --all' => 'Revert all exportables on the system.',
  $items['ctools-export-enable'] = array(
    'aliases' => array(
    'callback' => 'ctools_drush_export_op_command',
    'description' => 'Enable CTools exportables.',
    'arguments' => array(
      'table name' => 'Base table of the exportable you want to enable.',
      'machine names' => 'Space separated list of exportables you want to enable.',
    'options' => array(
      'module' => $module_text,
      'all' => $all_text,
    'examples' => array(
      'drush ctools-export-enable views_view' => 'Enable all overridden views exportable objects.',
      'drush ctools-export-enable views_view archive' => 'Enable overridden default views archive view.',
  $items['ctools-export-disable'] = array(
    'aliases' => array(
    'callback' => 'ctools_drush_export_op_command',
    'description' => 'Disable CTools exportables.',
    'arguments' => array(
      'table name' => 'Base table of the exportable you want to disable.',
      'machine names' => 'Space separated list of exportables you want to disable.',
    'options' => array(
      'module' => $module_text,
      'all' => $all_text,
    'examples' => array(
      'drush ctools-export-disable views_view' => 'Disable all overridden views exportable objects.',
      'drush ctools-export-disable views_view archive' => 'Disable overridden default views archive view.',
  return $items;