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function _ctools_drush_export_info in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

Return array of CTools exportable info based on available tables returned from ctools_export_get_schemas().


$table_names: Array of table names to return.

$load: (bool) should ctools exportable objects be loaded for each type. The default behaviour will load just a list of exportable names.

Return value

Nested arrays of available exportables, keyed by table name.

6 calls to _ctools_drush_export_info()
ctools_drush_export in drush/
Drush callback: export.
ctools_drush_export_info in drush/
Drush callback: Export info.
ctools_drush_export_op_command in drush/
Drush callback: Acts as the hub for all op commands to keep all arg handling etc in one place.
_ctools_drush_export_op_command_logic in drush/
Helper function to abstract logic for selecting exportable types/objects from individual commands as they will all share this same error handling/arguments for returning list of exportables.
_ctools_drush_get_export_name in drush/
Gets the key for an exportable type.

... See full list


drush/, line 610
CTools Drush commands.


function _ctools_drush_export_info(array $table_names = array(), $load = FALSE) {

  // Get available schemas that declare exports.
  $schemas = ctools_export_get_schemas(TRUE);
  $exportables = array();
  if (!empty($schemas)) {

    // Remove types we don't want, if any.
    if (!empty($table_names)) {
      foreach (array_keys($schemas) as $table_name) {
        if (!in_array($table_name, $table_names)) {

    // Load array of available exportables for each schema.
    foreach ($schemas as $table_name => $schema) {

      // Load all objects.
      if ($load) {
        $exportables[$table_name] = ctools_export_crud_load_all($table_name);
      else {
        if (!empty($schema['export']['list callback']) && function_exists($schema['export']['list callback'])) {
          $exportables[$table_name] = $schema['export']['list callback']();
        else {
          $exportables[$table_name] = ctools_export_default_list($table_name, $schema);
  if ($load) {
    $filter = drush_get_option('filter', FALSE);
    $exportables = _ctools_drush_filter_exportables($exportables, $filter);
  return array(
    'exportables' => $exportables,
    'schemas' => $schemas,