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16 calls to ctools_static() in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 6

ctools_ajax_page_preprocess in includes/
Implement hook_preprocess_page. Process variables for page.tpl.php
ctools_ajax_run_page_preprocess in includes/
Function that controls if ctools_ajax_page_preprocess() will run.
ctools_ajax_set_verification_header in includes/
Sets a response header for ajax.js to trust the response body.
ctools_export_get_schema in includes/
Get the schema for a given table.
ctools_export_load_object in includes/
Load some number of exportable objects.
ctools_export_load_object_reset in includes/
Reset all static caches in ctools_export_load_object() or static caches for a given table in ctools_export_load_object().
ctools_export_ui_get_handler in includes/
Get the class to handle creating a list of exportable items.
ctools_export_ui_load in ./ctools.module
Menu _load hook.
ctools_get_plugins in includes/
Fetch a group of plugins by name.
ctools_object_cache_clear in includes/
Remove an object from the non-volatile ctools cache
ctools_object_cache_clear_all in includes/
Remove an object from the non-volatile ctools cache for all session IDs.
ctools_object_cache_get in includes/
Get an object from the non-volatile ctools cache.
ctools_plugin_api_info in includes/
Get an array of information about modules that support an API.
ctools_plugin_load_includes in includes/
Load plugins from a directory.
ctools_static_reset in ./ctools.module
Reset one or all centrally stored static variable(s). Modeled after Drupal 7's drupal_static_reset().
_ctools_export_get_defaults in includes/
Call the hook to get all default objects of the given type from the export. If configured properly, this could include loading up an API to get default objects.