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function hook_ctools_math_expression_functions_alter in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 6

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  1. 7 ctools.api.php \hook_ctools_math_expression_functions_alter()

Alter the available functions to be used in ctools math expression api.

One usecase would be to create your own function in your module and allow to use it in the math expression api.


$functions: An array which has the functions as value.

1 invocation of hook_ctools_math_expression_functions_alter()
ctools_math_expr::ctools_math_expr in includes/


./ctools.api.php, line 93
Hooks provided by the Chaos Tool Suite.


function hook_ctools_math_expression_functions_alter(&$functions) {

  // Allow to convert from degrees to radiant.
  $functions[] = 'deg2rad';