function configuration_init in Configuration Management 7
Implements hook_init().
- ./
configuration.module, line 254 - Module file for the configuration module, which enables the capture and management of configuration in Drupal.
function configuration_init() {
// Don't create messages on intermediate submit handler pages.
if (arg(0) == 'admin' && variable_get('configuration_display_messages', TRUE) && empty($_POST)) {
$overridden = configuration_get_configuration('overridden');
if (user_access('access configuration management') && $overridden !== 0) {
drupal_set_message(t('Configurations are out of sync and need to be either !write.', array(
'!write' => l(t('activated or written to file'), 'admin/config/system/configuration/tracking'),
)), 'warning', FALSE);
elseif ($overridden & CONFIGURATION_DATASTORE_ONLY) {
drupal_set_message(t('You have new Configurations that need to be activated. !click_here to activate your configurations.', array(
'!click_here' => l(t('Click here'), 'admin/config/system/configuration/activate'),
)), 'warning', FALSE);
elseif ($overridden == CONFIGURATION_CONFLICT) {
drupal_set_message(t('You have conflicts with your Configurations. Activating configurations will overwrite what is in the activestore, or you can write what is in the activestore back to datastore. !click_here to resolve.', array(
'!click_here' => l(t('Click here'), 'admin/config/system/configuration/activate'),
)), 'error', FALSE);