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9 uses of CONFIGURATION_DATASTORE_OVERRIDDEN in Configuration Management 7

configuration_activate_form in ./
Menu Callback Form.
configuration_build_configuration_status in ./configuration.module
configuration_check_menu_custom in includes/
configuration_check_user_role in includes/
User roles are unique in that the name of the config and the name of the role are the same. If you change the name of the role, you are effectively creating a new configuration item. For that reason, we have to check to see what roles are no longer…
configuration_delete_multiple in ./configuration.module
Delete a specific configuration from being tracked.
configuration_init in ./configuration.module
Implements hook_init().
configuration_tracking_form in ./
Menu Callback Form.
configuration_update_component_status in ./configuration.module
Updates the status of a component after it was updated.
_configuration_get_status_link in ./
Return the status name as string based on the status of passed in.