You are here in Commerce Worldpay 7

Various page callback related functions.

Currently functions related to processing the WorldPay responses are stored here as well since they are not needed elsewhere and would way down the main module.


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 * @file
 * Various page callback related functions.
 * Currently functions related to processing the WorldPay responses are stored
 * here as well since they are not needed elsewhere and would way down the
 * main module.

 * Page callback that listens for transaction information from WorldPay.
 * Here we create new transactions and load existing ones.
 * - First validate the signature fields with md5
 * - Decide action
 * -- Create response pages for Worldpay to use
 * --- Success page or cancel page (resultY.html || resultC.html)
function commerce_worldpay_bg_response_page($payment_method = NULL, $debug_wppr = array()) {
  $order = NULL;
  $skip_process = FALSE;
  if (!empty($debug_wppr)) {
    $wppr = $debug_wppr;
    $debug_mode = TRUE;

  // Attempt to load payment method from alternative means.
  if (!isset($payment_method)) {
    if (!empty($wppr['transId']) && ($prior_wppr = commerce_worldpay_bg_txn_load($wppr['transId'], 'wp_txn_id'))) {
      if (!empty($prior_wppr['transaction_id'])) {
        $transaction = commerce_payment_transaction_load($prior_wppr['transaction_id']);
        if (empty($wppr['MC_orderId'])) {
          $wppr['MC_orderId'] = $transaction->order_id;
        elseif ($wppr['MC_orderId'] != $transaction->order_id) {

          // Why do we have two different order IDs? Lets bail.
        $payment_method = commerce_payment_method_instance_load($transaction->instance_id);

    // @todo Is this safe? Can we end up with the wrong payment method from the
    // Order object?
    if (!$payment_method && !empty($wppr['MC_orderId'])) {
      if ($order = commerce_order_load($wppr['MC_orderId'])) {
        if (!empty($order->data['payment_method'])) {
          $payment_method = commerce_payment_method_instance_load($order->data['payment_method']);
      else {
        print '';

  // Make sure we have a payment method we handle.
  if ($payment_method) {
    if ($payment_method['method_id'] != 'commerce_worldpay_bg') {
      print '';
  else {

    // Bail since we have no useful data to work with.
    print '';

  // If the payment method specifies full IPN logging, do it now.
  if (!empty($payment_method['settings']['payment_response_logging']) && $payment_method['settings']['payment_response_logging'] == 'full_wppr') {
    $full_log = TRUE;
  else {
    $full_log = FALSE;
  if (empty($debug_wppr)) {
    $debug_mode = FALSE;

    // WorldPay Payment Response.
    $wppr = $_POST;
    if (empty($wppr['transId']) && $wppr['transStatus'] != 'C') {
      if ($full_log) {
        watchdog('commerce_worldpay_bg', 'Request with no transId was sent from <em>@ip</em> with request method <b>@method</b>.', array(
          '@ip' => ip_address(),
          '@method' => !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] : '',
        ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
    if (empty($wppr['MC_orderId'])) {
      drupal_add_http_header('Status', '404 Not Found');
      if ($full_log) {
        watchdog('commerce_worldpay_bg', 'Request with no MC_orderId was sent from <em>@ip</em> with request method <b>@method</b>.', array(
          '@ip' => ip_address(),
          '@method' => !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] : '',
        ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
  if ($full_log) {
    watchdog('commerce_worldpay_bg', 'Attempting to process Payment Response @wp_txn_id. !wpr_log', array(
      '@wp_txn_id' => $wppr['transId'],
      '!wpr_log' => '<pre>' . check_plain(print_r($wppr, TRUE)) . '</pre>',

  // If this has been processed before and nothing appears to have changed.
  if (!empty($wppr['transId']) && ($prior_wppr = commerce_worldpay_bg_txn_load($wppr['transId'], 'wp_txn_id'))) {
    if ($prior_wppr['auth_amount'] == $wppr['authAmount'] && $prior_wppr['transStatus'] == $wppr['transaction_status']) {
      if ($full_log) {
        watchdog('commerce_worldpay_bg', 'Attempted to process an WorldPay response that has already been processed with transaction ID @txn_id.', array(
          '@txn_id' => $wppr['txn_id'],
        ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);

      // Don't process this.
      $skip_process = TRUE;
  else {
    $prior_wppr = NULL;
  if (!$order && !($order = commerce_order_load($wppr['MC_orderId']))) {
    drupal_add_http_header('Status', '404 Not Found');
  $order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);

  // Authentication.
  // @todo Check that the the transId and cartId are part of the same
  //   transaction.
  if ($debug_mode && $debug_wppr['skip_auth']) {
    $order->data['payment_redirect_key'] = '123';
  else {
    $authenticated = _commerce_worldpay_bg_payment_response_authenticate($order_wrapper, $wppr, $payment_method, $prior_wppr);
    if (!$authenticated) {
  $theme_data = array(
    'order' => $order,
    'order_id' => $wppr['MC_orderId'],
    'order_no' => empty($wppr['cartId']) ? $order->order_number : $wppr['cartId'],
    'wp_txn_id' => $wppr['transId'],
    'settings' => $payment_method['settings'],
  $theme_data['installation_id'] = $payment_method ? $payment_method['settings']['installation_id'] : $wppr['instId'];

  // Remove parts of the settings a theme need not know about.
  $theme_data['settings']['theme_debug'] = $debug_mode;

  // Allow themes to adjust based on current context.
  $theme_data['settings']['context'] = 'general';
  switch ($wppr['transStatus']) {
    case 'Y':
      $theme_data['settings']['context'] = 'result_success';
      if ($debug_mode && $debug_wppr['skip_save']) {
        $order->data['payment_redirect_key'] = '123';

        // Write a message.
      elseif (!$skip_process) {

        // Create or re-establish a Commerce Transaction.
        // This will add the 'transaction_id' to $wppr.
        commerce_worldpay_bg_transaction_process($order, $payment_method, $wppr, $prior_wppr);
        $tx_data = commerce_worldpay_bg_convert_wppr_to_record($wppr);
        $tx_data['transaction_id'] = $wppr['transaction_id'];
        $tx_data['order_id'] = $order->order_id;
        $tx_data['signature_fields'] = implode(':', _commerce_worldpay_bg_md5_signature_fields());
        if ($prior_wppr) {
          $tx_data = array_replace($prior_wppr, $tx_data);
      if (!empty($payment_method['settings']['debug'])) {
        watchdog('commerce_worldpay_bg', 'Creating success HTML for transaction @wp_txn_id.', array(
          '@wp_txn_id' => $wppr['transId'],
        ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);

      // Now generate the HTML that WorldPay will pull from to generate its
      // custom page.
      // This is printed directly as we want to skip the rest of Drupal's HTML
      // build. See: drupal_deliver_html_page().
      drupal_set_title(t('@site_name payment', array(
        '@site_name' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal Commerce') . ' WorldPay payment',
      print _commerce_worldpay_bg_build_page($theme_data, 'success');
    case 'C':
      $theme_data['settings']['context'] = 'result_cancel';
      if ($prior_wppr) {

        // Don't know if WorldPay ever changes transStatus after it's been set
        // the first time, but if it does we update our transaction info.
        $tx_data = commerce_worldpay_bg_convert_wppr_to_record($wppr);
        $tx_data = array_replace($prior_wppr, $tx_data);

      // Not totally sure if this is the right thing to do here?
      if (!empty($payment_method) and !empty($payment_method['settings']['debug'])) {
        watchdog('commerce_worldpay_bg', 'Creating cancel HTML for transaction @wp_txn_id.', array(
          '@wp_txn_id' => $wppr['transId'],
        ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
      drupal_set_title(t('@site_name payment', array(
        '@site_name' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal Commerce') . ' WorldPay payment canceled',
      print _commerce_worldpay_bg_build_page($theme_data, 'cancel');

 * Generates the theme output.
function _commerce_worldpay_bg_build_page($theme_data, $type = 'success') {
  drupal_add_http_header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8');
  $content = theme('commerce_worldpay_bg_' . $type, $theme_data);
  $page = theme('commerce_worldpay_bg_page', array(
    'content' => $content,
  ) + $theme_data);
  return theme('commerce_worldpay_bg_html', array(
    'page' => $page,
  ) + $theme_data);

 * Verifies the response has come from WorldPay.
function _commerce_worldpay_bg_payment_response_authenticate($order_wrapper, &$wppr, &$payment_method = NULL, &$wp_transaction = NULL) {
  $failed_authenticaion = FALSE;
  $message = '';
  $settings = $payment_method['settings'];

  // If the merchant set a password compare them callbackPW.
  if ($settings['payment_security']['use_password'] && !empty($settings['payment_security']['password'])) {
    if ($settings['payment_security']['password'] != $wppr['callbackPW']) {
      $failed_authenticaion = TRUE;
      $message = 'WorldPay passwords do not match. Make sure you have the same password set in the Commerce WorldPay settings page as set in your WorldPay installtion.';

  // @todo - Is it worth checking the User agent is the one WorldPay uses
  //   which is: User-Agent: WJHRO/1.0 (WorldPay Java HTTP Request Object).
  // @todo Reverse DNS lookup on IP address.
  if ($failed_authenticaion) {
    drupal_add_http_header('Status', '403 Forbidden');
    $ip = ip_address();
    watchdog('commerce_worldpay_bg', 'Access denied! ' . $message . ' Clients details: <em>@ip</em> with request method <b>@method</b>. Refered by: <b>@referer</b>.', array(
      '@ip' => !empty($ip) ? $ip : '',
      '@method' => !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] : '',
      '@referer' => !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : 'UNKNOWN',
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Process the WPPR once it's been validated.
function commerce_worldpay_bg_transaction_process($order, $payment_method, &$wppr, &$prior_wppr = NULL) {

  // Exit when we don't get a payment status we recognize.
  if (!in_array($wppr['transStatus'], array(
  ))) {
    return FALSE;

  // If this is a prior authorization capture WorldPay Payment Response for
  // which we've already created a transaction...
  if ($prior_wppr) {

    // Load the prior IPN's transaction and update that with the capture values.
    $transaction = commerce_payment_transaction_load($prior_wppr['transaction_id']);
  else {

    // Create a new payment transaction for the order.
    $transaction = commerce_payment_transaction_new('commerce_worldpay_bg', $order->order_id);
    $transaction->instance_id = $payment_method['instance_id'];
  $transaction->remote_id = $wppr['transId'];
  $transaction->amount = commerce_currency_decimal_to_amount($wppr['authAmount'], $wppr['authCurrency']);
  $transaction->currency_code = $wppr['authCurrency'];
  $transaction->payload[REQUEST_TIME] = $wppr;

  // Remove sensitive data.

  // Set the transaction's statuses based on the IPN's payment_status.
  $transaction->remote_status = $wppr['transStatus'];

  // @todo - Figure out how best to  set status based on SecureCode
  //   authentication.
  if (isset($wppr['authentication'])) {
    switch ($wppr['authentication']) {
      case 'ARespH.card.authentication.0':
        $transaction->status = COMMERCE_PAYMENT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
        $transaction->message = t("Cardholder authenticated by SecureCode.");
      case 'ARespH.card.authentication.1':
        $transaction->message = t('Cardholder/Issuing Bank not enrolled for authentication.');
      case 'ARespH.card.authentication.6':
        $transaction->message = t('Cardholder authentication not available');
      case 'ARespH.card.authentication.7':
        $transaction->message = t('Cardholder did not complete authentication.');

  // They don't give us very detailed transaction information do they?
  switch ($wppr['transStatus']) {
    case 'Y':
      $transaction->status = COMMERCE_PAYMENT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
      $transaction->message = t("WorldPay accepted the user's transaction.");

    // I don't think we should ever see this status at this point but incase
    // we do...
    case 'C':

      // @todo - Is this a suitable status?
      $transaction->status = COMMERCE_PAYMENT_STATUS_FAILURE;
      $transaction->message = t('The user cancelled the payment.');

  // Save the transaction information.
  $wppr['transaction_id'] = $transaction->transaction_id;
  watchdog('commerce_worldpay_bg', 'Payment Response processed for Order @order_number with ID @txn_id.', array(
    '@txn_id' => $wppr['transId'],
    '@order_number' => $order->order_number,


Namesort descending Description
commerce_worldpay_bg_response_page Page callback that listens for transaction information from WorldPay.
commerce_worldpay_bg_transaction_process Process the WPPR once it's been validated.
_commerce_worldpay_bg_build_page Generates the theme output.
_commerce_worldpay_bg_payment_response_authenticate Verifies the response has come from WorldPay.