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commerce-worldpay-bg-html.tpl.php in Commerce Worldpay 7

WorldPay custom theme

WorldPay generates custom pages by calling the Payment Response/Notification server, which generates a HTML(ish) output with some WorldPay propriority tags.

NOTE The only WorldPay tag that MUST be in this file is: <WPDISPLAY ITEM=banner> Failure to include this tag will prevent WorldPay displaying the customized page and potentialy lead to a suspension of the owner's WorldPay account.

We cannot point to any files on this server. They must be uploaded to WorldPay in the installtion control panel and then reference here as: path="/i/$installtion_id/file.ext" You can optionaly have WorldPay set the installtion_id instead of the one store in this site by using the WorldPay tag: path="/i/<wpdisplay item=instId>/file.ext"> For this reason we do not make use of Drupal's asset attachment features. For more information on what WorldPay tags are available @see: Example: Add an uploaded stylsheet to use <link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/<wpdisplay item=instId>/stylesheetname.css" type="text/css" />

NOTE this template does not go through the usual theme route so don't expect the same variables availble to html.tpl.php


  • $installtion_id: The WorldPay installtion ID stored in the sites Commerece payment settings page.
  • $order_id: The current Commerec order's ID
  • $order_no: The current Commerec order's number
  • $page - The rendered page content $language->language contains its textual representation. $language->dir contains the language direction. It will either be 'ltr' or 'rtl'.
  • $rdf_namespaces: All the RDF namespace prefixes used in the HTML document.
  • $grddl_profile: A GRDDL profile allowing agents to extract the RDF data.
  • $head_title: A modified version of the page title, for use in the TITLE tag.
  • $body_attributes: Contains any html attribute definitions intended for the body tag. These are generated in theme's preprocess' $body_attributes_array.
  • $site_id: This is a customisable string set in the payment modules settings page. The same value is passed to WorldPay as <WPDISPLAY ITEM=C_siteId>. It is useful for creating alternate styles and selecting alternate images. For example. If you have two sites with their own brands but just one WorldPay merchant account. You can show the different logos by prefixing the image files name with the $site_id like so: <img src="< ?php print $site_id; ? >-logo.png" /> or if it is a WorldPay hosted payment page template: <img src="<WPDISPLAY ITEM=C_siteId-ppe empty='fallback_id'>-logo.png" />


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 * @file
 * WorldPay custom theme
 * WorldPay generates custom pages by calling the Payment Response/Notification
 * server, which generates a HTML(ish) output with some WorldPay propriority
 * tags.
 * NOTE The only WorldPay tag that MUST be in this file is:
 *    <WPDISPLAY ITEM=banner>
 * Failure to include this tag will prevent WorldPay displaying the customized
 * page and potentialy lead to a suspension of the owner's WorldPay account.
 * We cannot point to any files on this server. They must be uploaded to
 * WorldPay in the installtion control panel and then reference here as:
 *    path="/i/$installtion_id/file.ext"
 * You can optionaly have WorldPay set the installtion_id instead of the one
 * store in this site by using the WorldPay tag:
 * path="/i/<wpdisplay item=instId>/file.ext">
 * For this reason we do not make use of Drupal's asset attachment features.
 * For more information on what WorldPay tags are available
 * @see:
 * Example: Add an uploaded stylsheet to use
 * <link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/<wpdisplay item=instId>/stylesheetname.css" type="text/css" />
 * NOTE this template does not go through the usual theme route so don't
 * expect the same variables availble to html.tpl.php
 * Variables:
 * - $installtion_id: The WorldPay installtion ID stored in the sites
 *   Commerece payment settings page.
 * - $order_id: The current Commerec order's ID
 * - $order_no: The current Commerec order's number
 * - $page - The rendered page content
 *   $language->language contains its textual representation. $language->dir
 *   contains the language direction. It will either be 'ltr' or 'rtl'.
 * - $rdf_namespaces: All the RDF namespace prefixes used in the HTML document.
 * - $grddl_profile: A GRDDL profile allowing agents to extract the RDF data.
 * - $head_title: A modified version of the page title, for use in the TITLE
 *   tag.
 * - $body_attributes: Contains any html attribute definitions intended for the
 *   body tag. These are generated in theme's preprocess' $body_attributes_array.
 * - $site_id: This is a customisable string set in the payment modules
 *   settings page. The same value is passed to WorldPay as <WPDISPLAY ITEM=C_siteId>.
 *   It is useful for creating alternate styles and selecting alternate images.
 *   For example. If you have two sites with their own brands but just one
 *   WorldPay merchant account. You can show the different logos by prefixing
 *   the image files name with the $site_id like so:
 *   <img src="< ?php print $site_id; ? >-logo.png" /> or if it is a WorldPay hosted
 *   payment page template:
 *   <img src="<WPDISPLAY ITEM=C_siteId-ppe empty='fallback_id'>-logo.png" />
 * @see template_preprocess_commerce_worldpay_bg_html()
?><!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="<?php

print $language->language;
?>" version="HTML+RDFa 1.0" dir="<?php

print $language->dir;

print $rdf_namespaces;
<head profile="<?php

print $grddl_profile;

print $head_title;
  <!-- Embed the stylesheet stored on WorldPay's server -->
  <style type="text/css">

if ($settings['theme_debug']) {

  //Allows simulating a bit of WorldPay's behavior.

  include drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_worldpay_bg') . '/worldpay page example/stylesheet.css';

else {
  <WPDISPLAY FILE=stylesheet.css>

<body <?php

print $body_attributes;

print $page;