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Files in Commerce Worldpay 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
commerce-worldpay-bg-cancel.tpl.php theme/commerce-worldpay-bg-cancel.tpl.php WorldPay custom theme for the payment success page
commerce-worldpay-bg-html.tpl.php theme/commerce-worldpay-bg-html.tpl.php WorldPay custom theme
commerce-worldpay-bg-page.tpl.php theme/commerce-worldpay-bg-page.tpl.php WorldPay custom page theme
commerce-worldpay-bg-success.tpl.php theme/commerce-worldpay-bg-success.tpl.php WorldPay custom theme for the payment success page
commerce_worldpay_bg.api.php commerce_worldpay_bg.api.php Documents hooks provided by the WorldPay Business Gateway modules. includes/ name = WorldPay Business Gateway Integration description = Provides Integration with the WorldPay Payment Gateway ( package = Commerce (contrib) dependencies[] = commerce dependencies[] = commerce_payment core = 7.x
commerce_worldpay_bg.install commerce_worldpay_bg.install Installs the tables required by Commerce WorldPay.
commerce_worldpay_bg.module commerce_worldpay_bg.module Provides a Worldpay Business Gateway payment method for Drupal Commerce. includes/ Various page callback related functions. includes/ Theme and pre/process functions.
footer.html worldpay page example/footer.html
header.html worldpay page example/header.html
README.txt worldpay page example/README.txt CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Installation * Payment Success and Cancellation pages * NOTES INTRODUCTION ------------ Included in this folder are a set of sample files for customizing the look of WorldPay's…
README.txt README.txt CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Installation * Theme development * Known issues * Support * Sponsorship * Acknowledgements/Credits INTRODUCTION ------------ This module implements support for WorldPay's…
stylesheet.css worldpay page example/stylesheet.css body { line-height: 1.5; font-size: 87.5%; padding:0; margin:0; color:#000; font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margin: 1.0em 0 0.5em; font-weight: inherit; } h1 { font-size:…

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