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function commerce_worldpay_bg_txn_load in Commerce Worldpay 7

Loads a stored WPPR by ID.


$id: The ID of the WPPR to load.

$type: The type of ID you've specified, either the serial numeric txn_id or the actual WorldPay wp_txn_id. Defaults to wp_txn_id.

$pre: Load only if it is before comunication with WorldPay - NOT FUNCTIONAL.

Return value

The current stored record of details on communications with with WorldPay for this transaction.

2 calls to commerce_worldpay_bg_txn_load()
commerce_worldpay_bg_response_page in includes/
Page callback that listens for transaction information from WorldPay.
commerce_worldpay_bg_txn_save in ./commerce_worldpay_bg.module
Saves information on the Worldpay transaction with some meta data related to local processing.


./commerce_worldpay_bg.module, line 973
Provides a Worldpay Business Gateway payment method for Drupal Commerce.


function commerce_worldpay_bg_txn_load($id, $type = 'wp_txn_id', $pre = FALSE) {
  return db_select('commerce_worldpay_bg_txn', 'cwbt')
    ->condition('cwbt.' . $type, $id)