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function commerce_payment_method_instance_id in Commerce Core 7

Returns a payment method instance ID given a payment method ID and the Rule containing an enabling action with settings.


$method_id: The ID of the payment method.

$rule: The Rules configuration object used to provide settings for the method.

Return value

A string used as the payment method instance ID.

4 calls to commerce_payment_method_instance_id()
commerce_payment_enable_method in modules/payment/
Generic execution callback for the payment method.
commerce_payment_entity_load in modules/payment/commerce_payment.module
Implements hook_entity_load().
commerce_payment_form_rules_ui_edit_element_alter in modules/payment/commerce_payment.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
commerce_payment_order_transaction_add_form in modules/payment/includes/
Allows an administrator to choose a payment method type and add a transaction for a specific order.


modules/payment/commerce_payment.module, line 709
Defines the payment system and checkout integration.


function commerce_payment_method_instance_id($method_id, $rule) {
  $parts = array(
  return implode('|', $parts);