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Files in Commerce Core 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
commerce-cart-block.tpl.php modules/cart/theme/commerce-cart-block.tpl.php Default implementation of the shopping cart block template.
commerce-checkout-errors-message.tpl.php modules/checkout/theme/commerce-checkout-errors-message.tpl.php Default implementation of the checkout errors messages template.
commerce-checkout-help.tpl.php modules/checkout/theme/commerce-checkout-help.tpl.php Default implementation of the checkout help text template.
commerce-line-item-summary.tpl.php modules/line_item/theme/commerce-line-item-summary.tpl.php Default implementation of a line item summary template.
commerce-payment-totals.tpl.php modules/payment/theme/commerce-payment-totals.tpl.php Default implementation of a payment totals template.
commerce-product-sku.tpl.php modules/product/theme/commerce-product-sku.tpl.php Default theme implementation to present the SKU on a product page.
commerce-product-status.tpl.php modules/product/theme/commerce-product-status.tpl.php Default theme implementation to present the status on a product page.
commerce-product-title.tpl.php modules/product/theme/commerce-product-title.tpl.php Default theme implementation to present the title on a product page.
commerce.api.php commerce.api.php This file contains no working PHP code; it exists to provide additional documentation for doxygen as well as to document hooks in the standard Drupal manner. includes/ Provides a central controller for Drupal Commerce. includes/ Defines the default currency list of active currencies from ISO 4217. The currency symbols and formatting rules are provided by CLDR. name = Commerce description = Defines features and functions common to the Commerce modules. Must be enabled to uninstall other Commerce modules. package = Commerce dependencies[] = system dependencies[] = entity dependencies[] = rules core = 7.x ;…
commerce.install commerce.install
commerce.module commerce.module Defines features and functions common to the Commerce modules. Rules integration for Drupal Commerce.
CommerceCartProviderSession.class.php modules/cart/plugins/cart_provider/CommerceCartProviderSession.class.php
commerce_base.test tests/commerce_base.test Defines abstract base test class for the Commerce module tests. modules/cart/includes/ Administrative forms and page callbacks for the Cart module.
commerce_cart.api.php modules/cart/commerce_cart.api.php Hooks provided by the Cart module. modules/cart/includes/ Checkout pane callback functions for the cart module. modules/cart/ name = Cart description = Implements the shopping cart system and add to cart features. package = Commerce dependencies[] = commerce dependencies[] = commerce_checkout dependencies[] = commerce_line_item dependencies[] = commerce_order dependencies[]… modules/cart/ Provides metadata for the shopping cart order.
commerce_cart.install modules/cart/commerce_cart.install
commerce_cart.module modules/cart/commerce_cart.module Implements the shopping cart system and add to cart features. modules/cart/includes/ The page and form callbacks for use by the shopping cart. modules/cart/ Rules integration for shopping carts. modules/cart/ Default rule configurations for Cart.
commerce_cart.test modules/cart/tests/commerce_cart.test Functional tests for the commerce cart module.
commerce_cart.theme.css modules/cart/theme/commerce_cart.theme.css Basic styling for the Commerce Cart module. modules/cart/includes/views/ modules/cart/includes/views/ modules/cart/includes/views/handlers/ modules/cart/includes/views/handlers/ modules/cart/includes/views/handlers/ Field handler to render attribute widgets to select a different product for the line item. modules/cart/includes/views/handlers/ Contains a default argument plugin to return the current user's cart order ID.
commerce_checkout.admin.css modules/checkout/theme/commerce_checkout.admin.css Administration styles for the Commerce Checkout module. modules/checkout/includes/ Administrative callbacks for the Checkout module.
commerce_checkout.api.php modules/checkout/commerce_checkout.api.php Hooks provided by the Checkout module.
commerce_checkout.base-rtl.css modules/checkout/theme/commerce_checkout.base-rtl.css .checkout-processing { padding-right: 0 !important; padding-left: 13px !important; margin-right: 0; margin-left: 6px; background-position: left center; }
commerce_checkout.base.css modules/checkout/theme/commerce_checkout.base.css Generic base styles for the Commerce Checkout module. modules/checkout/includes/ Checkout pane callback functions for the checkout module. modules/checkout/ name = Checkout description = Enable checkout as a multi-step form with customizable checkout pages. package = Commerce dependencies[] = commerce dependencies[] = commerce_ui dependencies[] = commerce_order dependencies[] = entity dependencies[] =…
commerce_checkout.install modules/checkout/commerce_checkout.install
commerce_checkout.module modules/checkout/commerce_checkout.module Enable checkout as a multi-step form with customizable pages and a simple checkout pane API. modules/checkout/includes/ The page and form callbacks for use in the checkout form. modules/checkout/ Rules integration for the checkout process. modules/checkout/ Default rule configurations for Checkout.
commerce_checkout.test modules/checkout/tests/commerce_checkout.test Functional tests for the commerce checkout module.
commerce_checkout.theme-rtl.css modules/checkout/theme/commerce_checkout.theme-rtl.css table.checkout-review .pane-title td { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 1em; } table.checkout-review .pane-data-key { text-align: left; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 3em; } table.checkout-review .pane-data-value { padding-right: 0; …
commerce_checkout.theme.css modules/checkout/theme/commerce_checkout.theme.css Basic styling for the Commerce Checkout module.


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