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Rules integration for payments.


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 * @file
 * Rules integration for payments.
 * @addtogroup rules
 * @{

 * Implements hook_rules_event_info().
function commerce_payment_rules_event_info() {

  // So that we can use the entity_rules_events_variables() helper function.
  module_load_include('inc', 'entity', 'entity.rules');
  $events = array();
  $events['commerce_payment_methods'] = array(
    'label' => t('Select available payment methods for an order'),
    'group' => t('Commerce Payment'),
    'variables' => entity_rules_events_variables('commerce_order', t('Order', array(), array(
      'context' => 'a drupal commerce order',
    'access callback' => 'commerce_order_rules_access',
  $variables = array_merge(entity_rules_events_variables('commerce_order', t('Order', array(), array(
    'context' => 'a drupal commerce order',
  )), TRUE, TRUE), entity_rules_events_variables('commerce_payment_transaction', t('Last completed transaction'), TRUE));
  $events['commerce_payment_order_paid_in_full'] = array(
    'label' => t('When an order is first paid in full'),
    'group' => t('Commerce Payment'),
    'variables' => $variables,
    'access callback' => 'commerce_order_rules_access',
  return $events;

 * Implements hook_rules_condition_info().
function commerce_payment_rules_condition_info() {
  $conditions = array();
  $conditions['commerce_payment_order_balance_comparison'] = array(
    'label' => t('Order balance comparison'),
    'parameter' => array(
      'commerce_order' => array(
        'type' => 'commerce_order',
        'label' => t('Order'),
        'description' => t('The order whose balance should be compared (calculated as the order total minus completed payment amounts).'),
      'operator' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'label' => t('Operator'),
        'description' => t('The comparison operator.'),
        'optional' => TRUE,
        'default value' => '<=',
        'options list' => 'commerce_numeric_comparison_operator_options_list',
        'restriction' => 'input',
      'value' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'label' => t('Value'),
        'description' => t('Integer representing a value in minor currency units to compare against, such as 1000 for $10. A balance of 0 or less indicates the order has been paid in full.'),
        'default value' => '0',
    'group' => t('Commerce Payment'),
    'callbacks' => array(
      'execute' => 'commerce_payment_rules_compare_balance',
  $conditions['commerce_payment_selected_payment_method'] = array(
    'label' => t('Selected payment method comparison'),
    'parameter' => array(
      'commerce_order' => array(
        'type' => 'commerce_order',
        'label' => t('Order'),
        'description' => t('The order whose selected payment method (if any) should be compared against the method specified below.'),
      'method_id' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'label' => t('Payment method'),
        'description' => t('This condition will perform a simple equivalency check to see if the payment method you specify matches what a customer selected on the checkout form.'),
        'options list' => 'commerce_payment_rules_payment_method_options_list',
        'restriction' => 'input',
    'group' => t('Commerce Payment'),
    'callbacks' => array(
      'execute' => 'commerce_payment_rules_compare_selected_payment_method',
  return $conditions;

 * Condition callback: checks the unpaid balance of an order.
function commerce_payment_rules_compare_balance($order, $operator, $value) {

  // Check the balance of the order.
  $balance = commerce_payment_order_balance($order);

  // If the balance was incalculable, set the balance to the order total.
  if ($balance === FALSE) {
    $balance = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order)->commerce_order_total

  // Make a quantity comparison based on the operator.
  switch ($operator) {
    case '<':
      return $balance['amount'] < $value;
    case '<=':
      return $balance['amount'] <= $value;
    case '=':
      return $balance['amount'] == $value;
    case '>=':
      return $balance['amount'] >= $value;
    case '>':
      return $balance['amount'] > $value;
  return FALSE;

 * Returns an options list of available payment methods including a None option.
function commerce_payment_rules_payment_method_options_list() {
  return array(
    '-none-' => t('None'),
  ) + commerce_payment_method_get_title();

 * Condition callback: compares the selected payment method for an order.
function commerce_payment_rules_compare_selected_payment_method($order, $method_id) {
  if (!empty($order->data['payment_method'])) {
    list($selected_method_id, ) = explode('|', $order->data['payment_method']);
  else {
    $selected_method_id = '-none-';
  return $method_id == $selected_method_id;

 * Implements hook_rules_action_info().
function commerce_payment_rules_action_info() {
  $actions = array();

  // Add an action for each available payment method.
  foreach (commerce_payment_methods() as $payment_method) {
    $actions['commerce_payment_enable_' . $payment_method['method_id']] = array(
      'label' => t('Enable payment method: @method', array(
        '@method' => $payment_method['title'],
      'parameter' => array(
        'commerce_order' => array(
          'type' => 'commerce_order',
          'label' => t('Order', array(), array(
            'context' => 'a drupal commerce order',
          'skip save' => TRUE,
        'payment_method' => array(
          'type' => 'commerce_payment_settings',
          'restriction' => 'input',
          'label' => t('Payment settings'),
          'payment_method' => $payment_method['method_id'],
      'group' => t('Commerce Payment'),
      'callbacks' => array(
        'execute' => 'commerce_payment_enable_method',
  $actions['commerce_payment_redirect_pane_previous_page'] = array(
    'label' => t('Redirect the checkout to the previous pane'),
    'parameter' => array(
      'commerce_order' => array(
        'type' => 'commerce_order',
        'label' => t('Order', array(), array(
          'context' => 'a drupal commerce order',
        'skip save' => TRUE,
    'group' => t('Commerce Payment'),
    'callbacks' => array(
      'execute' => 'commerce_payment_rules_redirect_pane_previous_page',
  $actions['commerce_payment_redirect_pane_next_page'] = array(
    'label' => t('Redirect the checkout to the next pane'),
    'parameter' => array(
      'commerce_order' => array(
        'type' => 'commerce_order',
        'label' => t('Order', array(), array(
          'context' => 'a drupal commerce order',
        'skip save' => TRUE,
    'group' => t('Commerce Payment'),
    'callbacks' => array(
      'execute' => 'commerce_payment_rules_redirect_pane_next_page',
  return $actions;

 * Implements Rules action execution callback.
 * @param stdClass $order
 *   An order.
function commerce_payment_rules_redirect_pane_previous_page($order) {

 * Implements Rules action execution callback.
 * @param stdClass $order
 *   An order.
function commerce_payment_rules_redirect_pane_next_page($order) {

 * Generic execution callback for the payment method.
function commerce_payment_enable_method($order, $payment_method, $action_settings, $rule_state, $action, $callback_type) {

  // Find the Rule that contains this action.
  $rule = $action
  while (!$rule instanceof RulesActionContainer) {
    if ($rule
      ->parentElement()) {
      $rule = $rule
    else {

  // Initialize variables for the payment method ID and settings.
  if (is_array($payment_method)) {
    $method_id = $payment_method['method_id'];
    $settings = !empty($payment_method['settings']) ? $payment_method['settings'] : array();
  else {
    $method_id = $payment_method;
    $settings = array();

  // Create a unique key for the instance of the payment method represented by
  // this action.
  $instance_id = commerce_payment_method_instance_id($method_id, $rule);

  // Set the payment method to the order along with its settings and context.
  $order->payment_methods[$instance_id] = array(
    'method_id' => $method_id,
    'settings' => $settings,
    'rule_name' => $rule->name,
    'weight' => $rule->weight,

 * Implements hook_rules_data_info().
function commerce_payment_rules_data_info() {
  $data['commerce_payment_settings'] = array(
    'label' => t('Payment settings'),
    'ui class' => 'RulesDataUIPaymentSettings',
  return $data;

 * Adds a payment method settings form to the enabling action.
class RulesDataUIPaymentSettings extends RulesDataUI implements RulesDataDirectInputFormInterface {
  public static function getDefaultMode() {
    return 'input';
  public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) {

    // If the specified payment method exists...
    if (!empty($info['payment_method']) && ($payment_method = commerce_payment_method_load($info['payment_method']))) {
      $form[$name]['method_id'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $info['payment_method'],

      // If the payment method has a settings callback...
      if ($callback = commerce_payment_method_callback($payment_method, 'settings_form')) {

        // Prepare an array of payment method settings defaults.
        $method_settings = !empty($settings[$name]['settings']) && is_array($settings[$name]['settings']) ? $settings[$name]['settings'] : array();

        // Add the settings form elements to the action form.
        $form[$name]['settings'] = $callback($method_settings);
      else {

        // Otherwise add an appropriate message.
        $form[$name]['settings']['no_settings']['#markup'] = t('No settings for this payment method.');
    else {
      $form[$name]['invalid']['#markup'] = t('Invalid or missing payment method.');
    return $form;
  public static function render($value) {
    return array();


 * @}


Namesort descending Description
commerce_payment_enable_method Generic execution callback for the payment method.
commerce_payment_rules_action_info Implements hook_rules_action_info().
commerce_payment_rules_compare_balance Condition callback: checks the unpaid balance of an order.
commerce_payment_rules_compare_selected_payment_method Condition callback: compares the selected payment method for an order.
commerce_payment_rules_condition_info Implements hook_rules_condition_info().
commerce_payment_rules_data_info Implements hook_rules_data_info().
commerce_payment_rules_event_info Implements hook_rules_event_info().
commerce_payment_rules_payment_method_options_list Returns an options list of available payment methods including a None option.
commerce_payment_rules_redirect_pane_next_page Implements Rules action execution callback.
commerce_payment_rules_redirect_pane_previous_page Implements Rules action execution callback.


Namesort descending Description
RulesDataUIPaymentSettings Adds a payment method settings form to the enabling action.