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function commerce_order_load_multiple in Commerce Core 7

Loads multiple orders by ID or based on a set of matching conditions.


$order_ids: An array of order IDs.

$conditions: An array of conditions to filter loaded orders by on the {commerce_order} table in the form 'field' => $value. Specifying a revision_id will load the requested revision of the order identified either by a similar condition or the $order_ids array assuming the revision_id is valid for the order_id.

$reset: Whether to reset the internal order loading cache.

Return value

An array of order objects indexed by order_id.

See also


22 calls to commerce_order_load_multiple()
CommerceCartTestCaseAnonymousToAuthenticated::testCommerceCartAnonymousToAuthenticated in modules/cart/tests/commerce_cart.test
Test anonymous cart conversion.
CommerceCheckoutTestProcess::prepareAnonymousEnviroment in modules/checkout/tests/commerce_checkout.test
Helper function to prepare an anonymous enviroment, it sets the user, products and prepares a cart.
CommerceCheckoutTestProcess::testCommerceCheckoutProcessAnonymousExistingUser in modules/checkout/tests/commerce_checkout.test
Test the checkout process with anonymous user using an e-mail address that belongs to an existing user, the final result should be the order assigned to the existing user.
CommerceCheckoutTestProcess::testCommerceCheckoutProcessAnonymousNonExistingUser in modules/checkout/tests/commerce_checkout.test
Test the checkout process with anonymous user using an e-mail addres that doesn't exists in the system, the final result is that the user gets the account created and the order is assigned to that user.
CommerceCheckoutTestProcess::testCommerceCheckoutProcessAnonymousUser in modules/checkout/tests/commerce_checkout.test
Test the checkout process with anonymous user.

... See full list


modules/order/commerce_order.module, line 786
Defines the core Commerce order entity and API functions to manage orders and interact with them.


function commerce_order_load_multiple($order_ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
  return entity_load('commerce_order', $order_ids, $conditions, $reset);